-5- All teacher oducation institutions wore contacted for suggestions, convention committee personnel, cte- D. To sponsor definite plans for student participation in social activitics at the Notional Convention This wes done in conjunction with tas { directly xbove. IV. Student Interest and Growth A. Increased student participstion in A,&-HeP.EeRe 1. All of the itoms mentioned above should bo effective in the promotion of this. 2. A student section in the Journal was initi-ted through the cooperation of the editors of this public>tion. 3. Plans underway to organize 2 national studunt section and thus make them really active in Association saffcirs. B. To motivate highcr standards of professionel growth, etc. The Committee felt thet this would come about best through institutions themselves reising their standards and stimulating the interest of students in their profession. In reply to the questionnaires, the answer has been again and again to have the faculty clurt and interested in all professional matters and students will follow. Ds Rocommendations of Gommittes to the Board of Directors Throughout the work of this Committee the consensus of opinion has beén that in order to have students actively interested in the A.4a-HeP-E.R- tne students themselves must take an active port. With the orgenization of a National Student Section at the coming convention this idea becomes a reality. The functions of this Committee can to 2 great extent be carried on by them. With the guidance of the faculty memoer wha sponsors this section, the students can proceed with the reports ind summaries made by this Committee when these are made available to them at that times The files of this Committec will be 2t the disposal of the Board of Directors. Respectfully submitted, Virginics Bourquardez, Chrirmin Dr. F. Ce Allen Mary Ethel Ball Mrs. alicc O- Bronson Kathscrine L. Cronin Gwendolyn Drew Gene Garose Ce De Giayuc Mrse Mary Gross Hutchinson Dr. Wm. Ralph La Porte Dr- Ralph Leighton Grace Potts Helen McKinstry