Suggestions by Dr. Elbel and Miss Hoover re. a Student Section of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 1. Gonventions are too highly sectionalized with result that the progrems in these sections are very frequently uninteresting. 2. Usually none or very little thet is put on the candidates for sectional chairman, with the result that the meeting is inefficiently conducted, or chairman even fails to appear. 3. Students complain of the fact that the speakers have no ability to inspire them. (A leader in the P.E. field may not nedessarily be an inspiring speaker) 4. Time should be allowed for student expression and discussion within the student section. 5. Student representation should be allowed on the State Council and possibly on the District Council. 6. Student rate for housing for state conventions. 7. More active means of publicity which reaches the students themselves. 8. Amore optimistic theme for P.E. looking to the future rather than trying to justify the past. 9. The view point of outstanding educational administrators (other than P.E.) regarding various phases of P.E. programe 10. The elimination of the petty personal institutional jealousies in the election of state and district officers. / : = “Would you please send out letters to the institutions in the states I am listing here. Also the letter to the state presidents in each of these states. The other states in your district are being contacted by Jarge Wate - Hhel Ball S te 2 Vebhrackoa__ Kaweee— af Vv ni ea le Hs = eee et neaeeees CENTRAL SECTION Minnesota; Bemidji State Teachers College, Bemidji (M W ) College of St. Thomas, St. Paul (M) Concordia College, Moorhead (M W) Duluth State Teachers College, Duluth (M W) Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter (M W) Hamline University, St. Paul (M W) St. Mary's College, Wilona (M) St. Olaf College, Northfield (mM w) State Teachers College, Mankato (N W) State Teachers Colleze, St. Cloud The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul (ww) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (M W) Winona State Teachers College, Winona (M W) Kansas; Fort Hays Kansas State Jollege, Hays (MW) Kansas State College, Manhattan (MW) Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, Emporia (M W) McPherson College, McPherson (I 1) Ottawa University, Ottawa (M W) The Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg (N w) The University of Kansas, Lawrence (M W) Washburn College, Topeka (M W) North Dakota: State Teachers Colleze, Dickinson (M W) State Teachers College, Minot (M.¥W) State Teachers College, Valley City (M W) University of North Dakota, University (W) Colé6rado;- Colorado State College of Education, Greeley (M W) University of Colorado, Boulder (M w) University of Denver, University Park (M W) e Towa; Drake University, Des Moines (M w) Grinnel College, Grinnell (M w) Towa State College, Ames (Mw) : Towa State Teachers College, Sedar Falls, (M Ww) Univeristy of Iowa (MW) dQ... Be Cn. ? Missouri; Central Collece,Fayette (M Ww) Missouri Valley College, Marshall (mM w) Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirkville (11) Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, Cape Girardeaw (M wW) Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, Springfield (Mu w) South Dakota; Northern Normal and Industrial Sehool, Aberdeen (M W) Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, (MW) University of South Dakota, Vermillion (M Ww) Yankton College, Yankton (M Ww) Nebraska; Dana College, Blair (M Ww) Peru State Teachers College, Peru (¥) University of Nebraska, Lincoln (¥ W) STUDENT SECTION -- American Association for Health, Paysical Education and Recreation To; The Presidont of tho Health and Physical Zducition Club for Major Students Dear Fellow-Student:; As Ghoirman of the Student Section of the Southcrn District, and in the absence of a National Chairman, I have been asked to initiate plans for the students at the National Convention in New Orleans. This is an cspecially important year for major students because Dre Anne Schley Duggan, president of the American Association for Health, Physical Rducation and Recreation has appointed a Committee on Student Section which is studying the problem of the need for 2 national Student Section. This Gommittce will draw up recommendations and from then on it is up to the students themselves to really initiate and organize 2 national student section, and per- haps other district and state sections where these do not already existe This seems to me 2 great challenge to all students and the responsibility for this project rests firmly on the shoulders of cach and every one of youe Are you ready to take on this increased participation in the affairs of your Association? The thrce most immediate problems which confront us at this time are; (1) Plans for the national convention next spring, (2) Suggestions for the organization of 2 national student section, and (3) Ways and moans of increasing our membership in State and National Associations, and attendance at professional conventions. Will you consider these with mo in that order and then jot down the reactions and thoughts of your entire group to the list of questions accompa- nying this lettor? First: The dates for the convention proper are April 15-18 inclusive. Two student professional meetings have been scheduled--one on Friday, April 17 from 4,00-6;00, and the other on Saturday, April 18 from 11.30-1;00. A fuller report of convention plans will be sent to you later. Right now, I need the suggestions of every major and minor, so that the student committces which will be working on these plans will know what you would like in the way of social and profes- sional mectings at this convention. Our second big problem as listed above is the organization of 2 National Student Section. This will be probably one of our main projects at New Orleans. A tremendous task lies before us if we accept the responsibility of initiating this organization. One question which greatly interests me iss; Are we willing to take the rssponsibilities which would be involved in such an undertaking, and next, how should this section be organized? One point that we should keep in mind is that we should have an integration of our organization through the state, district, and national student sections similar to that used by other sections of the A.A.H.P.H.R. And last, but by no means least, is the big job of increasing our member- ship as students in state and natioml associations and in increasing our attendance at their conventions. This is directly related to the coming convention and the plans for a national student section, for unless we have a large, widespread student membership and xttondance at conventions our student -~2D= Sections will be of small value. Especially at this time of a national emergency when our Association is receiving widespread, public recognition and an impetus that will be far-reaching in its values to our field, there is need for us, as students, to begin actively to participate in Association affairs. Through state bulletins and the Journal, through contacts with personalities in the field and our own contributions we can not only raise our professional standards, but also strengthen our Association. With those three ideas in mind, I am enclosing a short list of questions which I hope you will consider and answer fully. I earnestly hope that the entire major group will contribute their opinions. May I suggest that you discuss thoso questions at a mveting of your club, as well as with your faculty sponsor? It might also prove beneficial to post this letter on your bulletin board. If you nave separate organizations for men and women majors in your institution, will you please see that both groups discuss this letter and questions. I have to meet a deadline for our program plans, and so I am-asking that you return your questionnaires by January 15 (or before if possible), so that your suggestions will be sure to be considered. Certainly, by this time you have reached the conclusion that I need your help. If every one of the 250 institutions offering a major or minor in health, physical education, and recreation responds to this appeal and also sends at least one delegate to our Netional Convention, think what a contribution we could mke. We will be looking for you. Please don't fail us. Sincerely, Mary Hess, Chairman Student Section, Southern District A.A.H.P.E.R. QUESTIONS TO Be CONSIDERs#D Please put "yes" or "no" before each question and put your comments on these 2 * * q questions and additional suggestions on a separate sheete) is National Convention A. Social Meetings -- would you be interested ini-- 1. A student breakfast (just for students)?% 2. A tour of New Orleans at night? 3. A “date” burecaug « A “personalities party" at which you would be introduced (informally) to leading personalities in our field? 5+ A school luncheon (students, graduates, and faculty of your school come to this.)?_ Be Professional Meetings -- Topics for discussion-- 1. Plans for a national student section? (Discussion) (Please put additional topics on a separate sheet.) II. Organization of a. National Student Section le Are you in favor of such 2 section? 2e Are you in favor of district and state student sections? Some topics for consideration concerning the above two questions which you can comment on, on a separate page, are; &e Should these sections have a chairman and secretary and what other officers? be Is it important to have Co-chairmen (boy and girl)? Ce Would a past chairman and 2 chairman-elect be helpful on this committees de How shall these people be nominated and who shall vote on them? Ge What shall be duties of 2 national section? etc. (It would be helpful in answering these questions to read in the September 1941 Journel of Health and Physical Education the constitution of the A-AcHePoEeR, Article VII, “Organizations and Sections’ ) III. Ways and meens ofa ae Increasing membership in A.AsHePeBeRe b. Attendance at conventions (Please put specific suggestions for these items on 2 soparate page.) IV. To be answered by the "hostess" colleges only -- that is, all institutions in the Southern District. Please list on a separnte page the names of persons in your group (boys as well as girls if the group is cocducational) who would like to work on student committees at the convention. Signed President of Health and Physical Education Club Name of Institution Please return this questionnaire and your comments not later than January 15 to; Miss Mary Hess, Texas State College for Women Box 2273, Denton, Texas AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL ZDUCATION, AND R@CREATION Committee on Student Section To; Directors of Health and Physical wducation for Boys and Girls Dear Director; Dre Anne Schley Duggan, president of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation has appointed a committee on stu- dent section whose primary purpose is to encourage major students to take a more active part in Association affairs. With this object in mind we are writing to every teacher-training institution that offers a major or minor in health and physical education, in order to-get your suggestions on this problem. We feel that one of the best methods of enlisting the interest of students is to have them become members in their state and national Associa-~ tions. The need for a young, enthusiastic group to swell our ranks has be- come more apparent than ever before with the development of this national emergency. The benefits of such membership are well known to youe There are about 250 departments offering a major or minor in our field in this country. The memberships of every one of these institutions in themselves would aid the Association tremendously. And membership should be a great aid in the plan for interesting the students. Another opportunity for creating interest among students is attend- ance at state and national conventions. Many of you are doing a fine job on this. ‘jill you send us your suggestions for getting students to attend these meetings? If one delegate could be sent from every teacher-training insti- tution to the National Convention and could take back the ideas and stimu- lation gained at that meeting we could be a big step forward in student interest. Ons of the main functions of this committees is to draw up tentative plans for the organization of a national student section to take its place with the othcr national sections such as Dance, Research, etc. This should be quite a factor in creating interest among students, and it is hoped that it will be further acted upon by the students at the New Orleans Convention. Wes are enclosing a short list of questions on the above topics. You will greatly aid the work of this committees if you will answer these items as fully as possible. ‘Je plan to tabulate the replies from every institution and to send the complete list of suggestions back to you so that you may share the ideas and methods of other places. Also, included in this letter is a letter from the chairman of your Southern District student section to the president of your major club. Will you please sev that the student letter gets to the proper person and, with your guidance, back to ijiss Hess on the date specified. In a few cases, the two questionnaires may seem to overlape If so, it is because we are anxious to have the viewpoints of voth faculty and students on the same points. May I thank you in advance, on behalf of this committee, for your help in furthering our work. oe truly yours, Vrp iiss Sorrgrartes Virginia Bourquardez, Chairman Committee on Student Section A.A.H.P.E.R. November 29, 1941 VBsmw QUESTIONS ABOUT STUDENT PROBLEMS (Write us cither the methods that you use now or that you would suggest for future use. In either case do not hesitate to describe your plans fully. Please put each answer on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. 4e In what ways can student membership in state and national associations be increased? (For example, some colleges have a definite drive using class representatives, charts, etc.) By means of what methods can student attendance at state and national association conventions be increased? (For oxample, some institutions send onc delegate, or give a dance and raise money te send a group, ctc.) what other means can be usod in interesting students in their state and national associations? (For example, some states have student sections which meet at state conventions, others have studentscontribute to state bullotins, etc.) Do you approve of a National Student Section? Do you approve of state and district sections? Signed Name of Director (s) Name of Institution Please return this sheet and your answers by January 15 to ;: Miss Virginia Bourquardez Chairman on Student Section Texas State College for women - Box 3717 Denton, Texas November 29, 1941 VB; mw AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Committee on Student Section To; Members of Committee on Student Section Dear Committee Member's. I have waited until your replies to my letter concerning the functions o* our committee were in before proceeding further. Although one or two people have not answered, I feel that the approval of the majority on 211 :the functions is sufficient evidence to warrant our proceeding with theme All functions carried by 2 majority approval. You may be interested in the reactions to several of the functions: Function 2--Several people expressed the need for students to plan the convention program with faculty help. In fact, I believe that you all felt thet, as much as possible, students should plan and organize matters pertaining to them in order to give them a really active part in their Association. I heartily agree with you and you will notice in the enclosed material that plans for the New Orleans Convention have been placed in the hands of the, chairman of the Southern District and her committees. student Function 8--Several people stated that a cerry over of membership after graduation would na turally result if we did a good job of encouraging under- graduate membership. I agreo, and except for recommendations thet we can make for this function as a committee, I don't believe we can do much else on it. If you have any further ideas on this function, I would appreciate hearing them. I am sure that you realize that it is necessary for each of us to share the expense of sending out material concerning our committee work. Especially in these times of rising costs, it would be prohibitive for any one institution to try to stand the expense entailed in postage, mimeograph paper, etc. and so I am using the method adopted by the other national committess and sections and forwarding to each of my committee members the letters and questionnaires which I feel we need to send out to people in your district. Since there are two members on our committee from each district, this will cut their work in holf. Ideally, I would have much preferred to have your advice on each letter and questionnaire. Unfortunately, time does not permit this; therefore, I have taken the liberty of writing in the namo of the committee. In order to contact 211 available sources this is the plan I have followed: 1. A letter to the director of health and physical education in each teachcr-in-training institution offering 2 major or minor in our field asking their advice and suggestions on our problems. 2. A letter to each state president for the same purpose. I have asked that they return their replies to me. I will tabulate them and send back to you for re-distribution to them a summary of their suggestions. If these letters and questions serve no other purpose than to start people thinking along these lines, I feel they will be of great value. ~~? “ Since the student chairman for the New Orleans Convention is right here with me and vecause her letter, etc., is also going to the teacher-training institutions and has a definite bearing on our functions, I am enclosing it also with this letter. Will you please have these three letters and questionnaires mimeographed and sent out to the people indicated in the heading of the letter} The student letter and the letter to the director of the department go in the same envelope. Please send these two letters to the teacher=-training institutions which I have indicated on the enclosed revised list of institutions. I have asked Dr. N. P. Neilson, the executive-secretary, to forward to each of you 2 list of the state presidents. If you will send out copies of the enclosed letter to the Presidents of the states to which you sent the teacher-training letters, there should be no duplication of work by you and the other committee member in your district. Please include in their letter a copy of the teacher-in-training institutions in their state. If you wish, between you two, to work out a different system of sending these out, that is perfectly agrecable to mee I just want to urge you to get these out 2s soon as possible in order that I can have them back by January 15 if at all possible. I realize that this moans immediate attention and I, too, wish that we had lots more time. May I suggest that you check the list of state presidents that Dr. Neilson sends youe You may have more up-to-date knowledge as statc eloctions are taking place all tho time now. I know that a letter from you as a committee member of your district would be very valuable when sending out this material. I hope that you will find it possible to do this. You can no doubt do much in the way of publicity for the national studont section, student membership, and student attendance at conventions in your district. Articles in the state bulletins and district nows letters and short talks at the state and district conventions on these topics would also prove helpful. Thank you so much for your help in all of this. I will try to get a less voluminous and 2 moro personal note off to each of you soon, in answor to yours. Very ruly yours, Viti, Virginia Bourquardez, Chairman Committee on Student Section AwAeHeP ait eke December 3, 1941 TEXAS STATE GOLLEGE FOR WOMEN DENTON, TEXAS HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT November 19, 1941 bre F.G. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I hope within the next week to get a longer letter to you concerning future work of our com- mittee. This is just a brief and urgent note asking you to go over the enclosed list of colleges and universities in your district which offer a major in the field of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Would you please check this list carefully, make any needed corrections, add places that have not been included and send this back to me by Decemoer lst (earlier if possible)? I will greatly appreciate your prompt atten- tion to this request. Letters to state presi- dents will be held up pending your return of the revised list of these colleges. Sincerely, a Spot Virginia BourquardeZ, Chairman National Committee on Student Section A.A.H.P.E & R. VBs1j Central District Colorado: Colorado State College of Education----~------Greeley~------~~--}jen--jjomen University of Colorado-~ Bou lder----------}fen--Women University of Denver ! “University Park-~len+—fomen Kansas: Fort Hays Kansas State eer nem feya-~------==--=Nen—Women Kansas State College ~ - ~ienhattan--------Nen--Viomen Kansas State Teachers college of Empor ia----~Empor ia-------~--Ifen-~Women MePherson College ~ - -vePherson------~-}jen--iomen Ottawa University ~~ -Ottawa-~----------jen~-Vomen The Kansas State. Teachers College--~ ~Pittsburg----~=-~jjen--ijomen The University of Kansas - ‘Lawrence-------~=}fen -~iomen Washburn College ~-~Topeka<~-—--~-=--Hen~