Suggestions by Dr. Elbel and Miss Hoover re. a Student Section of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. ; 1. Conventions are too highly sectionalized with result that the programs in these sections are very frequently uninteresting. 2. Usually none or very little thot is put on the candidates for sectional chairman, with the result that the meeting is inefficiently conducted, or chairman even fails to appear. 3. Students complain of the fact that the speakers have no ability to inspire them. (A leader in the P.E. field may not nedessarily be an inspiring speaker) | 4, Time should be allowed for student expression and discussion within the student section. 5. Student representation should be allowed on the State Council and possibly on the District Council. 6. Student rate for housing for state conventions. 7, More active means of publicity which reaches the students themselves. 8. Amore optimistic theme for P.E. looking to the future rather than trying to justify the past. 9, The view point of outstanding educational administrators (other than P.E.) regarding various phases of P.E. programe. 10. The elimination of the petty personal institutional jealousies in the election of state and district officers. .