~~? “ Since the student chairman for the New Orleans Convention is right here with me and vecause her letter, etc., is also going to the teacher-training institutions and has a definite bearing on our functions, I am enclosing it also with this letter. Will you please have these three letters and questionnaires mimeographed and sent out to the people indicated in the heading of the letter} The student letter and the letter to the director of the department go in the same envelope. Please send these two letters to the teacher=-training institutions which I have indicated on the enclosed revised list of institutions. I have asked Dr. N. P. Neilson, the executive-secretary, to forward to each of you 2 list of the state presidents. If you will send out copies of the enclosed letter to the Presidents of the states to which you sent the teacher-training letters, there should be no duplication of work by you and the other committee member in your district. Please include in their letter a copy of the teacher-in-training institutions in their state. If you wish, between you two, to work out a different system of sending these out, that is perfectly agrecable to mee I just want to urge you to get these out 2s soon as possible in order that I can have them back by January 15 if at all possible. I realize that this moans immediate attention and I, too, wish that we had lots more time. May I suggest that you check the list of state presidents that Dr. Neilson sends youe You may have more up-to-date knowledge as statc eloctions are taking place all tho time now. I know that a letter from you as a committee member of your district would be very valuable when sending out this material. I hope that you will find it possible to do this. You can no doubt do much in the way of publicity for the national studont section, student membership, and student attendance at conventions in your district. Articles in the state bulletins and district nows letters and short talks at the state and district conventions on these topics would also prove helpful. Thank you so much for your help in all of this. I will try to get a less voluminous and 2 moro personal note off to each of you soon, in answor to yours. Very ruly yours, Viti, Virginia Bourquardez, Chairman Committee on Student Section AwAeHeP ait eke December 3, 1941