QUESTIONS ABOUT STUDENT PROBLEMS (Write us cither the methods that you use now or that you would suggest for future use. In either case do not hesitate to describe your plans fully. Please put each answer on a separate sheet of paper.) 1. 4e In what ways can student membership in state and national associations be increased? (For example, some colleges have a definite drive using class representatives, charts, etc.) By means of what methods can student attendance at state and national association conventions be increased? (For oxample, some institutions send onc delegate, or give a dance and raise money te send a group, ctc.) what other means can be usod in interesting students in their state and national associations? (For example, some states have student sections which meet at state conventions, others have studentscontribute to state bullotins, etc.) Do you approve of a National Student Section? Do you approve of state and district sections? Signed Name of Director (s) Name of Institution Please return this sheet and your answers by January 15 to ;: Miss Virginia Bourquardez Chairman on Student Section Texas State College for women - Box 3717 Denton, Texas November 29, 1941 VB; mw