-~2D= Sections will be of small value. Especially at this time of a national emergency when our Association is receiving widespread, public recognition and an impetus that will be far-reaching in its values to our field, there is need for us, as students, to begin actively to participate in Association affairs. Through state bulletins and the Journal, through contacts with personalities in the field and our own contributions we can not only raise our professional standards, but also strengthen our Association. With those three ideas in mind, I am enclosing a short list of questions which I hope you will consider and answer fully. I earnestly hope that the entire major group will contribute their opinions. May I suggest that you discuss thoso questions at a mveting of your club, as well as with your faculty sponsor? It might also prove beneficial to post this letter on your bulletin board. If you nave separate organizations for men and women majors in your institution, will you please see that both groups discuss this letter and questions. I have to meet a deadline for our program plans, and so I am-asking that you return your questionnaires by January 15 (or before if possible), so that your suggestions will be sure to be considered. Certainly, by this time you have reached the conclusion that I need your help. If every one of the 250 institutions offering a major or minor in health, physical education, and recreation responds to this appeal and also sends at least one delegate to our Netional Convention, think what a contribution we could mke. We will be looking for you. Please don't fail us. Sincerely, Mary Hess, Chairman Student Section, Southern District A.A.H.P.E.R.