wer PROPG ED BUDGET FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION FR 1938 SUMMER SESSION ———_ * & & wer / 2. ; Elizabeth G, Dunkel . e wb have. + & | ° oe © 420 200 Dr, Vv. M, Lapp + = + ~ 6 a: es 2 £. SS 6 &S 6 eS Arve Ti ne Sa 40 Total Salaries $900.00 Maintenance su + * «© © @ - ‘*2*s © © 6 0 «6 & OOOO (For upkeep of golf course, tennis courts, softball equipment, etc.) Special Maintenance for equipment . . . + + «+0. 116 425 (Archery, 934.50; Croquet, $9,00; = Badminton, °21,75; Volleyball, $19.00; Basketball, #20. 003 —_— Nets, é12, j : . ase = . , i Lert / s >) ‘ & f : z \ NOH: Last year $225 was paid in Salaries to Mr, Jay Plumley and Miss Lillian Peterson. By allotting for student assistance this would save $165.00; by & ~1665 from Miss Dunkel's salary of 9420.00 this leaves 255,00 increase, 2: - ee sso 2: a iis i lls A alpha! ania. eee ss soa pe alginate aed Sa