Elizabeth Dunkel Tentative Suggestions for a Summer Recreative Program, Oe Se Are there any provisions for physical exams or health check-up in a summer session? Is this program supposed to provide the general school mixers and socials? | Program of activities to include recreational, social, educational, civic, art appeal (which, or all?) Possible Activities Co-recreation nights or afternoons utilizing "game room" facilities - could include both gymnasium and Union Building - a, Billiards b. Croquet c. Ping pong d. Shuffleboard e. Darts f. Archery Provision for instruction in golf, tennis, swimming -. organized efforts to utilize these sekivitios in programs, meets, etc, a. Any chance of Potter bake being usable? Social Danes class - married couples or mixed? Series of meetings to challenge women's interest in improving self -~ "Know your own possibilities", Charn, Influence, Leadership, etc., Health, Dress, Personality, Manners, etc., use specialists as speakers and combine with actual practice. 4 z a % ea 4 - n e 2, 4