LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS C2 2/4 6) 4 7 DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Suggestions for Equipment T0 BE Used for Recreation During the Summer Session at Kansas University < 1 -Open the Memorial Union Building every day, including Sunday from TAM to 11PM p Z 2- Provide Bess, various places on the campus 3= Provide croquet courts ee : \ & 4, Pridge parties for wives of students to be held at the Memorial Union Building - 5. Have recreational play every Saturday Night in the Gymnasium * and outdoors ‘ “Nl ) ye poy 08 pe 6=- Provide excursions to nearby pew: for a nominal a peraee ete a guide to make e oe nip ene -Extension eo, De i C B oo oe: ea Sent we on , pom - 3. pe | Sag we = ah 2 1l-Yaskell MOR a ye py 2 Aa yo . if é Ave f 2-Reuter Organ Factory Ste tee ew PN, 3-Lawrence Paper Mill ow ne 4-Pederal Penitentiary-Leavenworth a ue d-State " if Lansing 6-Nelson Arte Gallery, Kansas City Missouri 7-Spooner-Thayer Museum-Dyche Museum-Lawrence 8-Tour to include several industrial Plants-at Kansas City-Loose-Wiles; Kansas City Ster; New Municipal AuditoriumsKansas City Power and Electric Co, 7, Bird Valks-(Yave expert on birds take groups at an early morning hour, explain different kinds, etc.,(Dr., Lane) 8, Plants, Flowers and Shrubs Tours, (Dr. Mix) 9, Evening Visits to the Ke Ue arenes = 10. Provide Archery Court where free instruction will be given er Grove where mothers may take their children