SUMMER SESSION RECREATION I. rrovide active and passive recreation A. Active recreation : 1. Use old and new facilities for special play- nights and daily play. —ae Golf course (provide instruction) —b. Swimming pool (provide instruction) c. Horseshoe courts —d. vlayground ball —e. Tennis courts f. Dancing g- Table tennis h. Volleyball i. Ariel darts and paddle tennis je Badminton courts on downstairs floors .- - k. Golf driving net and manila mats .. 1. Croquet sets me Archery® B. Passive recreation cA i. rrovide for watching the above program e orchestra | | Se Plan trips to points of interest g fe x y a. &apitol of state b. Oil webla- Ctewuite 7 oo c. Armour racking plant ti d. Ford or Chevrolet Assembly plants e. Bird walks and lectures t f. Jenny Wren Milling Co. W (°?, E a g- Organ Factory @ h. Tour of Lawrence showing interesting points in early history i. Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth —. vod