SUGGESTIONS FOR SUMMER RECREATIVE PRG RAM Appeals Recreational, Active Golf Swimuaing Softball Tennis Croquet Badminton Archery Horsoekhoes Recreational, Passive Bridge Social Danee Class Mixers, picnics, teas i a benches on golf course and at other places on campus Rducational Series of meetings for self-improvem nt (charm, influence, leadership, health, dress, personality, manners, ete., use specialists as speakers and combine with actual practice.) Evening visits to K. U, Observatory Bard walls Sivic 5 Excursions to nearby points of interest, with guide to make explanations (¢.E., Extension Division); charge fee of 50¢ to cover cost of transportation; persons to register with Extension Division at least 2 days previous to trips, | Haskell Institute industriel plants in sb fac 3 paper mill Kansas City; @efe Federel penitentiary | automobile assembly Gapitol of state nts peeks as houses, 0i1 wells (“hanute) ose=l'4 es, K, C, Star s ete °