- SUGGESTED COURSES IN PHYSIGAL EDUCATION FOR SUMMER SCHOOL ony a MEN oy ON 1, History ant Frinetyles of Fhysteal Etuestion 8s ¢ $ n ness and Education, _ sash i ~ 8, Organization and Administration of Physical Héucation, 3 hours credits; credit in | . ad, LV Edueation, . Dy, Lappe + oe 3. Tests and Measurements (Practical), | 2 hours credit ~ undergraduate; Education, * : Dre Lapp. oo] >, 4, Tests and Measurements (Practical) be fh pice 5 hours evedit - Graduate, « Lapp. ¥ oe O c . Orc - NOMEN : Yer O 9 I 4 i, Methods end Content or 4 Ca Education, > ian N 3 S hours evedit; Sdueation, Co Gee S : gees : ees . Miss Dunkel, oe) | | \ © 7 2 Commmity Recreation, 5 hours credit; =o ~\ ._ v College ‘dueation, business. Miss Dunkel, \