sictennnth of Matetivebtes er (116.00 ipectal Itebomnes ee July 22, 1958. NT nn Se twice ae MO , ¢ 24.85 8090 « « © 0 «© $7015 BAIMIVTON’s see eevee enenererees 23050 SOPTHALY, BATE we act ceveeceeeecees %el5 Mastetbelia ()6s sd ves ees oe eases . 21690 Films from Icbension Mvision.«e-«eceececses 2060 TOTAL « « e $112.30 Unused Balance in Fmd « @ 0 0 0 © os eee © © & | $070 4 i August 2, 1938. wo used funtle to take $22.00 5.00 such an Purchase a Gh wea |G qu: 2h ye i il (ieee 4 : a : ; 1! dip i ul oe fila Hedy Hi oe THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE SUMMER SESSION August fourth i933 8s Dr. F. C. Allen Physical Education Department My dear Dr. Allen: - I am enclosing a transfer check for $32.60 to cover the items which the department of Physical 4ducea- tion has furnished for the use of summer session students. This covers the bill for $15.60 which you reported earlier from Obers for soft balls, $12.00 for the soft ball bats, and $5.00 for the two soft ball masks. It is a little more convenient for me to handle the matter by transfer check rather than by purchase order, and this will enable you to replace the items whenever you are ordering supplies for your derertnent. Sincerely, yo Assistant Director of the Summer Session HEC-MR July 26, 1938. - u agi ik Het a ys yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Consle THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE SUMMER SESSION July 19, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 R. Dear Dr. Allen: I talked with Mr. Klooz and Mr. Nichols yesterday about the excess in expenditure in special maintenance. It is impossible to stretch that item and the only way in which we can take care of this is to pay for the excess out of activity fund. Accordingly I have sent an order to the business office for $31.20 to cover the Elliott bill for croquet sets and have charged it to the $300 allowance made from the activity fund. This will leave you a balance in that fund of $268.80. I am inclosing a transfer check for $21.90 against the $116 special maintenance for the bill of the athletic association for basketballs. This will leave the $15.90 bill of the department of physical education unpaid for the present. At the close of the summer school when I get my bills against the activity fund I feel sure that there will be enough to take care of this and I will send a transfer check at that time to cover the item. Sincere ypurs, phn>y Assistant Director Summer Session HEC :M — | From the desk of— — at f Ae _Caticiaaw ceed) ayes Bes og ng EG : rH. 5 e L v) ‘@ (/ ar, i = f J ® ~ = a “ SS . LGR, et veoting, Frasor Theater, 9180 Aca, poten Dean a Ae —— Sehool of Bawestion, Untvorett ty of \dteoen "Physical Eduestion in the Public Schools"Dr, C. . Cloy, President Arerican Physical Bdveat Bev ‘and Professor of Physical duection, University of Iowa A oo "hat the Sehool Adeinistrater Expecte of Physical paveston" a ‘Supt, Pe be Sehiegie, Kanens City, Yansse Pec Conference Heotings - 11:00 Ag¥, 4 ow Successful is the Phystes} Réveation Instrvetion at the ernenter High Sehool Level? oom 208 Fraser Che trmans Ay Re Young, anthony leaders; Helen Barrett, Kanees City, Kansas : Reginald Strait, Chanute, fanses “the: Deve lopment of Physics? Udvestion at the Slementary = Level Chairman: VY, T. Trusler, cnport Teschers coteee nae leadera, . Jy ahgtaen, Prineipal Sumner Henontary Sehool, Topela, Zaneae Patrioia Okeafe, Dlementary Supervisor of Physteal Rdueation, Fenens City, "o. 4——— lamoheon Heotings vererial Union Building, 12:15 PLY. Presiding: Ot. Fe Ce ‘ation, Pref, Physics? caventton, Unie versity of Zanece Addvers; Chanestior ©, % Lindley, University of favece Addvose: “hat are the Fruits of ovr Physical Rdvestfon: | Progren?” Strong tineen, Supervisor of eens faueation, “fohits, “arses | eo rat Neeting, Fraser Theater, 2,00 P.”, Cha hrmans Dr. "ee Lapp, Ass't, Prof, of Pye as Urtworatey. arene Address, Publie ichool Poeitities and a Comunity Program Die, Aifred 0, sndereen, Ply, Réuey & eoresetony + louis, Vo, | ec Address, The Teseher of Phystea! Pavoation/ "cies Salen | | State College, Nanhattan os, — Gomference Nectings, 3120 P, — a | I, Overeowing hendicaps in facilities, Room ~ Chairman; John J, Buller, Larned Leaders: L, De Perry, Junior Migh School, Lawrence — Bideabeth Pryan, Senior igh Sehool, Ottawa It. The Yalue of Deronstrations and Special Programs, Rooe 206 Ve Gnidienns Rlisaebeth Dunkel, Agee, Prof, of Pye, Pe oe University of Lanexs leaders; Doris Poterson, “infield Menry Sherk, Junetion City Pieture Show, Praser Theater 4145 PLY, Dinner Neoting, Verorial Union Building, 6100 Pai. Chafirran, “Alldem 4, Safflin, Supervisor of Pryss | BAUGs, Coffeyville Group fingings led by Prof, Otte stents Public. Sebool, 29 “ueic, University of Tansee Dirner Speakers Gereral veeting . _ Theater, 7245 PAM Presiding: L, . Brooks, Prineipal Migh School, baat, "dohite: Addvese, As the Edvuester Locks at Physical Pdveation, Dr. ¢, H. "eCloy, University of Tawa Addresses Relation of W%erestion to Physical Pduention, Alfred 0, — anderson, Dir, of Phys, "4, and “eerection, °t, Louis, Mo, cha, Cannas t 3 Jimlnal — oye —~ # iy 2. | me patie orn meen < | oe 4 ' ; ge “FR AL ee Goal bled Zh i. bea 1% lth