et veoting, Frasor Theater, 9180 Aca, poten Dean a Ae —— Sehool of Bawestion, Untvorett ty of \dteoen "Physical Eduestion in the Public Schools"Dr, C. . Cloy, President Arerican Physical Bdveat Bev ‘and Professor of Physical duection, University of Iowa A oo "hat the Sehool Adeinistrater Expecte of Physical paveston" a ‘Supt, Pe be Sehiegie, Kanens City, Yansse Pec Conference Heotings - 11:00 Ag¥, 4 ow Successful is the Phystes} Réveation Instrvetion at the ernenter High Sehool Level? oom 208 Fraser Che trmans Ay Re Young, anthony leaders; Helen Barrett, Kanees City, Kansas : Reginald Strait, Chanute, fanses “the: Deve lopment of Physics? Udvestion at the Slementary = Level Chairman: VY, T. Trusler, cnport Teschers coteee nae leadera, . Jy ahgtaen, Prineipal Sumner Henontary Sehool, Topela, Zaneae Patrioia Okeafe, Dlementary Supervisor of Physteal Rdueation, Fenens City, "o. 4——— lamoheon Heotings vererial Union Building, 12:15 PLY. Presiding: Ot. Fe Ce ‘ation, Pref, Physics? caventton, Unie versity of Zanece Addvers; Chanestior ©, % Lindley, University of favece Addvose: “hat are the Fruits of ovr Physical Rdvestfon: | Progren?” Strong tineen, Supervisor of eens faueation, “fohits, “arses | eo rat Neeting, Fraser Theater, 2,00 P.”, Cha hrmans Dr. "ee Lapp, Ass't, Prof, of Pye as Urtworatey. arene Address, Publie ichool Poeitities and a Comunity Program Die, Aifred 0, sndereen, Ply, Réuey & eoresetony + louis, Vo, | ec