THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE SUMMER SESSION July 19, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 R. Dear Dr. Allen: I talked with Mr. Klooz and Mr. Nichols yesterday about the excess in expenditure in special maintenance. It is impossible to stretch that item and the only way in which we can take care of this is to pay for the excess out of activity fund. Accordingly I have sent an order to the business office for $31.20 to cover the Elliott bill for croquet sets and have charged it to the $300 allowance made from the activity fund. This will leave you a balance in that fund of $268.80. I am inclosing a transfer check for $21.90 against the $116 special maintenance for the bill of the athletic association for basketballs. This will leave the $15.90 bill of the department of physical education unpaid for the present. At the close of the summer school when I get my bills against the activity fund I feel sure that there will be enough to take care of this and I will send a transfer check at that time to cover the item. Sincere ypurs, phn>y Assistant Director Summer Session HEC :M