SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS - fod D4 maga ci meet yd fa th a MN lal MEN YE FOLLOWERS OF ELLSWORTH VINES! THOSE INTERESTED IN A TENNIS a SIGN HERE Address Phone — Shake Wed WE Sabri : 25/4 ea a ; ie i Deity 173 yell SO9 FM, ee af. Pode cf 3909 sh yu . et | . floes hg i nd es js0thieel.- = 75) 4 arial Laci eb isi aie ee C Fad. //2%> Okie ~-— 1602-M Fanning. (622K g 2807 Be ee vr a pig § sacle (VFI Ah (ail — 128 nth SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS MEN WHY NOT TRY TO BE LUCKY? ENTER THE HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT. Address Phone 547 V4 as V j3o7™M oo cs oe 3 ) BS Janneacee cae _— fax. i Kibsirg —__ LH € oh DAF — HeLa 1127 atlis $26 Jn SY Reid Lt : Cy. Delta fate Piitlher’ . Wicrsttnd Horace SUMMER SESSION PLAYGROUND ! ( 29, Weds a 2 Te oe ee aoe a i. UCU ; IAS OREN wa has a 3 : I ) June 27, Mone 28, Tuese 29, Wed. 30, Thurs. July l; Frie ne Gm ~~ by Ai: ak Se i ea tm | I aie | ; 4 On, July 4, Mone Soh As | Holiday 5, Tuese : 8, Frie fx | 7 July 11, Mone 12, Tues. “is pi ce 13, Wed. a Zz i [ 14, Thurse Oe. s / 15, Frie ar / j { LN CSI SUSAR ORNS SEA SSP OS raheem one $ 5 pey he new July 18, Mon. 19, Tuese a ? 26, Tues. Jk : is... Stuy. 27, Wede s- é z hos 28, Thurse ; Geen BZ —~ 720 Ye] ; | si 29, Frise “8 0 7 ~~ 30 August 1, Monee : 2, Tues. = ! | 5, Wede : : nihncncinielasgeam aa ON I SIS Rater A RE Soe fed patil ANC a cia See otaem ning Sicesasin 1 i peter i Siyg iy Remar tainty uae Cele f dosaib PRA ATE T Pk TE PETE eg TENT Te TN TT , e Enrollment . Enrollment : mM awe Sune = 7 se Thure= 9 e o Mexmkinenk Classes begin Frie - 10 Sate = 11 eS jogo Mone - 13 « « « GeteAcquainted Picnic, Brown’ s Grove (Cars } ve Union at 4:30 & 5:C Tuee = 14 = = « sens a ibs wi n Wannha - M+ Wede =~ 15 « « « De Sbernoon 5 * Cempus paeiaads Plorescent Display Thure- 16. . « Fine arts Recitel Go—-1 Prise ~ 17 « « e Concert Sate - 18 . Sune — 19 « « « Concert eo tc" Mone = 20 « « Mixer Tu6. = 21 « « 6 ae Wed. = 22 « « « Dames Club in dietoniiine Tallerman Marionettes Thure= 23 « « « Cincinnati String Trio Frie - 24 « « e Concert- . Sate =~ 25 « « « Sume = 26 e « e Concert @ « e Education Co Tuee - 26 ¢ « » Form Wede - 29 « « « DSmes—Giuib; Seagees Junket = amen Thayer Museun C—— & Thure- 30 « « e Fine Arts Recital ——— diet. ues 1B -20D J Frise = 1 « e e Orchestra | on { Sate - 2 « « « Band Concert Sune = 3 ¢ « « Concert - Mone = 4 Tuee - 5 e ¢e WiGsT.Us 2 DeMe Weds =~ 6 ce * " " ; Dames Club; Campus Junket - Observatory 2—— Thure=- 7 ce « e - " 3 Fine Arts recital Frie - 8 ¢« « « Concert Sate ~ 9 : Sune = 10 « « « Band a 915 se | Mone = 11 « e « Mixer 2 / Pe sinha “ae j Tuee = 12 e Forun ud Wede — 15 © « © iiippetemtedtees Campus Junket - Color Photography Thur e= 14 e« e Fine Arts Frie w 16 e Concert Sate - 16 Sune - 17 « c « Concért Mone ~ 18 « « « Mixer LTO 205 Tuee ~ 19 ¢ « « Form ¥ Y _— bm i 5-6 Wede - 20 e e o Dames Club; Campus Junket - Dioramas ie - 5. ee Thure= 21 6 + « Fine Arts Recital CluewtaiAiwie, —175 Frie - 22 ¢ « « Concert Sate - 23 : . Concert ie SEH STS a Mone be e Wede os Forun e Demes Clubs; ee Campus Sing : io Concert - 31 « e « Concert =1 = 2 -3.6 « e Close of Sumer Session = ee ace £225 ots That Summer Session offers you many opportunities for diversion, recreation, and friendship? Your attention is salled to the following program which is arranged to enrich your summer and which is open to all students and families. SOCIAL 1. The all-school picnic - Monday, June 13th, at Brown's Grove - your first chance to renew old contacts and to make nevr-ones. There will be an abundance of good food, - and games if you want them. Transportation will be provided with the meeting place at the Kensas Union. Trips at 4:30 and 5:00 peme Plates will be 35¢ for adults, 20¢ for childron. Sign up now and leave your reservation by Friday, June 10th, at one of the following places: : : i. Fraser Hall - Education Office Union Building - Hostess’ Desk 2e Open House and Mixcr = Union Building - cach Monday of Summer School, starting at 7:00 pems - entertainment, games, dencinge Se Dames Club - Open to all wives of summer session students. Sewing, bridge, and informal gatherings with meetings each week on Wednesday aftor= noon in the union Building. EDUCATIONAL le Forum Mectings - Presenting cducetors of prominence in stimulating discussions of professional topics - cach Tuesdsy evening - Union Building from 7:00 to 8:00 pDeite 2e Educational Conference - Speakers, round tables, and discussions on Physical Educetion cnd Recrention in Public Schools - June 27-6 3. Exhibits - (1) Exhibition of goneral Education books - Fraser Hall (2) Exhibition of scientific laboratory cquipment - : ", Blake Bali = vane ete ¥ CULTURAL le Campus Junkots - A scrics of conductsd visits to some of the interost- ing and worthwhile spots on the campus, including Spooner-Thayor Musoum, the Observatory, the Dioramas in Dyche huscun, the Photogrephic Bureau, the De- pertment, of Design, and the Geology Floroscont display - each Wednesdey evening, 7:00 to 8:00 peme 2e Musical Events - Including faculty recitals, band and orchestra concerts, community Sings and many extro musical attractions of worth. There will be recitels overy Thursday evening, and band or orchestra concerts on Fridcys and Sundayse RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY 1. Competition - Leagues and tournaments for son will be conducted in se saeehdaineatiessamieememiinastabememnnttmenaal ¢ es rs < : Z : soft ball, handbcll, golf, tennis, badminton, deck tennis and horseshocs.e A men's swimming moet will take place near tho cnd of the summer school. Register on bullotin boerd, first floor in mon's gymnasium. - a p , * > 2 2 2 2e Unorganizcd Play - The cempus becomes your own side yard with facilities for croquet, badminton, archery, deck tennis, velloy ball and golf. Equipacent will be avilable for games in late afternoon and every ovening from the dinner hour 'till dark. And don't forget tho chances to swim}! Fool hours will bo: Women: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mon: Tucsday, Thursdey, Saturdey 3:30 - 4:00 Elomentary Swimming 3:50 - 4:00 Elomentary Swimming 4:00 - 4:30 Intermediate Swimming 4:00 = 4:30 Intermediate Swimming — 4:30 - 5:30 Opon Hour 4:30 = 5:30 Open Hour i Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:30 - 3:30 Open Hour — 2:50 = 3:30 Open a Fach ovening, betweon dinner and study, plan to enjoy the campus ond the wolcome it brings youe Add to your schedule - CAMPUS HOUR - 7:00 to 8:00 pete MAREE EEE EEE ENE EVEL TSS Program State Educational Summer Conference LAWRENCE, KANSAS JUNE 27, 1938 Sponsored by THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS General Subject PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. | AELELRALABAAAPALELALAELELALELAELALALELALALALAELELALELELALELEAALELAA A EAA AAA A fey ) GENERAL MEETING, FRASER THEATER, 9:30 A.M. Chairman: Dean R. A. Scuwecter, School of Education, University of Kansas Address: “Physical Education in the Public School,” Dr. C. H. Mc- Pret —____GoxsP resident American Physical Education Association, and Professor of Physical Education, University of Iowa. a4 Address: “Judging Efficiency in Physical Education,” Dr. V. W. Lapp, Physical Education, University of Kansas. CONFERENCE MEETINGS: 11:00 A.M. I. How Successful is Instruction in Physical Education at the Junior- Senior High School Level? Room 205 Fraser. Chairman: A. R. Younc, Prin. of High School, Anthony. Leaders: HELEN Barnett, Wyandotte High School, Kansas City, Kansas. W. H. Mirrxy, Supervisor of Physical Education, Coffeyville. II. Development of Physical Education at the Elementary School Level. Room 206 Fraser. Chairman: V. T. Truster, State Teachers College, Em- poria, Kansas. Leaders: M. J. Wurrson, Principal Sumner Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas. Rosert F. Campsett, Elementary School Princi- cipal, Herington, Kansas. Luncueon Meetinc, Memoriat Union Bumpine, 12:15 P.M. Presiding: Dr. F. C. AtuEn, Professor Physical Education, University of Kansas. Address: Cuancetxor E. H. Linptey, University of Kansas. Address: ““What Are the Fruits of Our Physical Education Program?” R. E. Kaneut, High School East, Wichita, Kansas. GENERAL MEETING, FRASER THEATER, 2:00 P.M. mg Chairman: Dr. V. W. Lapp, Ass’t Prof. of Physical Educa- tion, University of Kansas. Address: “Public School Facilities and a Community Program,” D1 RECTOR ALFRED O. ANDERSON, Physical Education and Re- creation, St. Louis, Mo. Address: “What the School Administrator Expects of Physical Educ- cation,” Dr. W. E. SHEFFER, Sup’t. of Schools, Manhattan, Kansas. CONFERENCE MEETINGS, 3:20 P.M. I. Overcoming Handicaps in Facilities for Physical Education. Room 205 Fraser. Chairman: Joun J. Butter, Larned. Leaders: L. E. DirremMore, Supervisor of Physical Educa- tion, Topeka. A. D. Smiru, Physical Education, Emporia. II. The Value of Demonstrations and Special Programs, Room 206 F. » Chairman: ExizaABETH DunkKEL, Ass’t. Prof. of Physical Education, University of Kansas. Leavers: Doris Peterson, Physical Education, Winfield. Merte HeEnre, Supervisor Physical Education, Kansas City, Kansas. PicTuRE SHOw, FRASER THEATER, 4:45 P.M. DinnER MEETING, MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING, 6:00 P.M. Chairman: Sup’r. W. L. Ramso, City Schools, Paola. Group Singing: Led by Pror. Orro Mirssner, Public School Music, University of Kansas. Address: ““The Aims of Physical Education,” Dean R. A. SCHWEGLER, School of Education, University of Kansas. GENERAL MEETING, FRASER THEATER, 7:45 P.M. Presiding: L. W. Brooks, Principal High School East, Wichita. Address: “As the Educator Looks at Physical Education,” Dr. C. H. McChoy, University of Iowa. Address: ‘‘Relation of Recreation to Physical Education,’ Aurrep O. AnpDERSON, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, St. Louis, Mo. Conference Committee: F. P. OBRIEN B. A. Naso J]. W. TWENTE Statement of Distribution of $435.00 Activity Fund | for Summer Recreation ($300 and $135) July 22, 1938 PASHOGL: 6 «36 ee 6 0 60-4 ee eo SUMO 4° 4 0 < $195 «65 ; - cree ee eee @ 123672 A 39 Ls Z ©. , CROQUET Bela) 66.68 se ww ee ee a ee "B1e20 re eg / is ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (for Mre Davidson's labor on courts, archery equipment, ete.) 25 200 af Q fi AAA pks aan / Se : * G 3 ft Be iO : fa i 7 / | i tetas! Spot je ia 6 ee B57E ST Je Unused Balance e.<« «ee 99.43 Bills Unpaid: Payroll for July 21 to Aug. 3 “estimated at e. Apprecimately ~ -- See 1 doZe softballs, peta for SS vo Le by Depte of Physe Educe e ee e 15460 [31 eee as $55 660 YRe | «A Ae bo This leaves a balinse of $43.83 which may be spent. ee 2 eA ee gtr ; 32,60 Women's Swimming Pool (Lillian MoCullough) © « + « $15075 15.00 Mon's Swimming Pool (Frosty Herdecrs) 4s +++ + 1085 15200 Gole Course (Glenn Oatman) se sseeseecee S706 $7655 Labor on tennis courts, golf course, ote . 10.00 Lester Keppolmn + «+s % ees © 46290 Lyman COPIES sess se bee ee 4be80 a re ree 30.00 Gordon Clucas see see escviscececes He80 17.50 OE ES ey ree” Totals $194 085 $114.05 In addition there will be Mr. Davidson's labor in connection with archery equipment, ote UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS IRREGULAR PAYROLL TIME SHEET ee ee ee : Budget... SMSamer" ax Seasion : Or Service : p ra p.. Dye , NAME . : POSITION - : HOURS RATE RSM MEY ORES & f Glenn Cetman isa haga eft’ ts dfe ‘ . : : lr * Si i. : pea ia ry : 7 i } p . ~ + . | aM F ty Approved by . Time for irregular payroll is from 15th to 15th of the month. . This sheet must be sent to the Business Office not later than 9:30 on the 16th. . Students should come to Business Office to sign on 18th, 19th and 20th. . Departments are responsible for notifying students about signing payroll. 15-7368 4-85—5M UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS IRREGULAR PAYROLL TIME SHEET Department of : _. Budget... Sumer. Session. Service. Program Month of...,-inele 1938... AMOUNT — NAME POSITION HOURS RATE $ l Cte. Gordon Clucas Student Anchotent a & p LO] Lyman Corlis - Howard Englemen " ® 85% | 085 29498 - Forrest Hardacre | Swimming Poof Attendant 52 035 va Carol Johmson Student Assistant 7 esd 2 w Lester Kappelman Bee 35 e35 v Lillian P, MoCullough Swimming Pool Attendant 25 5D 8q75 ~ Glenn Oatman Care of Golf Course 108 035 57 480 ~ 7 3/71 & Approved by. ; ‘ ies a , i ee a Naa ae SO ee gomah s ioe f lates ‘ ae OE Senge on Te . Time for irregular payroll is from 15th to 15th of the month. . This sheet must be sent ie the Business Office not later than 9:30 on the 16th. . Students should come to Business Office to sign on 18th, 19th and 20th. . Departments are responsible for notifying students about signing payroll, 15-7368 4-35—5M Department of UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ed Budget IRREGULAR PAYROLL TIME SHEET Month of........... July22 ° Auge 3 193 8 Winifred W121 Lillian P, McCullough Alice Paden “Swimming Pool Attendant nc a Swimuing Pool Attendant o ® 3 2, 2H 3 EERE EEE Se AMOUNT NAME POSITION HOURS RATE $ | Cts. Gordon Clucas Student assistant Howard Englemn e ” wt w Approved by..... \ ¥ , nro aan ait acckia sal i Sa ae Neary esha Mad (Poe aiJ 5 2 inoets . Pe . bs N ; 2 a eae ah a J i { i a oes i ; peilbh dickicpcmgietioncuies epee clal : sian eich niente esac itaiohapoiep ania agnietininio ideas ti labae fiesta siipepeatiieicnakabiah laine : 3 ecce an ‘i RITE Tee Aut & This cer pee sent tvs the Duin iis os not later xin 9: 30 on the 16h. 3. ‘Students should come to Business’ Office to sign on 18th, q and 20th. an rey ei ibd : pees 4. Departments are none for 1 notifying students ateut signing payroll. i i { picnhicacipaiaellditeeaaetoes hi ce es apace acioaars igang lata ean iialedeipnsicaiiecaetetels nang my cane eC a gh per RN Rb EET ep Bt EAN i Snip BY | Charge Ti Our Order No. FORM NO, 194 P. P. KANSAS CITY |=““<4- Te —— ORDER BLANK oe Customer’s Order No. CHECK ONE OWE & CiMPBELL L, Date Received ATHLETIC GOODS Co. 7 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CiTy, MO. STOCK PRICE PLEASE DO NOT USE oe ARTICLE—EXACT COLOR SHADE—SIZE NO. pe EXTENSION THESE COLUMNS = 6 oe ORR, il QUOTED PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY OFFICE TRANSPORTATION & gue tee ee INSURANCE CHARGES Total Amount Remitted $ : Ordered ORDER PLACED 3S a. By ACKNOWLEDGED BY edhe ORDER om CLE ES yt? PLACED ATi Approved By SHIPPED FROM sHiP BY_| Charge Date Wanted Our Order No, FORM NO, 194 } KANSAS CITY |. = rea ORDER BLANK FGT. Customer’s Order No. CHECK ONE| Ship To OWE & Chup. BELL : y Ax Date Received ATHLETIC GOODS Co. d 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CiTy, Mo. | ©-9-D. STOCK PRICE PLEASE DO NOT USE Pa o ARTICLE—EXACT COLOR SHADE—SIZE NO. EXTENSION THESE COLUMNS QUOTED PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY OFFICE TRANSPORTATION & INSURANCE CHARGES ae Total Amount Remitted $ Ordered ORDER PLACED By ACKNOWLEDGED BY ORDER . PLACED AT. Approved By SHIPPED FROM suip BY_| Charge To Date Wanted Our Order No, PLP. KANSAS CITY [2 yy sac ORDER BLANK FORM NO. 194 FGT. Customer’s Order No. CHECK ONE| Ship To OWE & CaMPBELL a Date Received ATHLETIC GOODS Co. / City 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS City, Mo. | ©-9-D- ‘ fit. STOCK PRICE PLEASE DO NOT USE a| 32 ARTICLE—EXACT COLOR SHADE—SIZE NO. EXTENSION THESE COLUMNS S. ee QUOTED PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY OFFICE TRANSPORTATION & eudenee set A ) INSURANCE CHARGES Total Amount Remitted $ £ % | Ordered ORDER PLACED ON 193 By ACKNOWLEDGED BY or Wh Late PLACED AT. - Rees , . Approved ‘ By ; SHIPPED FROM SUMMER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Budget for Physical Education for Summer of 1957 Jay Plumley . .-. « o -$185,00 Lillian Peterson .. . 100,00: Maintenance a6 a 500,00 5 (for upkeep of golf course, tennis courts, purchase of balls and bats for softball} The tennis nets used last summer were those belonging to the Physical Educ. department. Mr, Falkenstien suggests that possibly the Summer School budget should provide for these nets. Distribution of $300.00 Maintenance - 1 do0Ze Playground balls ee oe ee eee ae oe ee ee ee $12.60 BRCL 6 so 6 6b 6 eC ie Sb oie Re le, oo ee Glenn Oatman, for upkeep of golf course e e 65463 Towel room attendant... s «ee « ee © @ 60.90 Lime for marking COUP tS 6s 6 0 sis 6 6 6 12.200 Labor (Mre Davidson) - marking and rolling courts, mowing, CtCe «© 0 0 0 0 0 0 o@) 1450420 350273 Distribution of $116. allowed for special ecuipment for Summer Recreation: ARCHERY = $23.40 (Lowe & Campbell) 24.85 8 & 8:80 (Gordon Hoffman) 1.¢-+ BADMINTON@ 23.60 (LOwe & Cambell) SOFTBALL BATS « 715 (Ober's) FILMS « 2660 (Extension Division) | (The above bills, amounting to $90.40, have been sent to Mr. Chandler for payment ) “Jn addition, wo heve the following bilic: GROWER © $51.90 (Eiltett’s) 7. fr. $300, 2cT LQ orm. . BASKETBALLS « f , ' (2) 21.90 (Athe Assne) PA : a Par : (lo, ap Mt SOPTBAILS © 15060 (Oborts)+ fife Pe. toad Total «eseeee : ® *The Physe Edue.s Department has paid this item of $15.60; the a oe ns ee ancurrte balls for Croquet and Basketballs are attached, jana The have not yet been paid. If we pay for all ef these items Sumer Ses skon we will be everdraxn $45.10; this might be taken care of a $300 Activity program, if it ts not used for something e