UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS IRREGULAR PAYROLL TIME SHEET Department of : _. Budget... Sumer. Session. Service. Program Month of...,-inele 1938... AMOUNT — NAME POSITION HOURS RATE $ l Cte. Gordon Clucas Student Anchotent a & p LO] Lyman Corlis - Howard Englemen " ® 85% | 085 29498 - Forrest Hardacre | Swimming Poof Attendant 52 035 va Carol Johmson Student Assistant 7 esd 2 w Lester Kappelman Bee 35 e35 v Lillian P, MoCullough Swimming Pool Attendant 25 5D 8q75 ~ Glenn Oatman Care of Golf Course 108 035 57 480 ~ 7 3/71 & Approved by. ; ‘ ies a , i ee a Naa ae SO ee gomah s ioe f lates ‘ ae OE Senge on Te