February 22, 1944. Mr. Donald Allenburger, 415 East lst St., Newton, Kansas. Dear Donald: I am sorry that we have no tickets here for the Big Six Indoor Track Meet to be held in Kansas City on February 26. Wir. Ray Kanehl, our track coach, has no information on tickets for the meet, but if you are planning to be in Kansas City on that date I suggest you look him up. When you come to Lawrence on March Srd | to have you go in with our basketball team to see the game with Iowa State. ‘The boys dress about 6:50 and go over to the Auditorium between 6:30 and 6:45. If you will meet us at side door of the Auditorium we will take you in with the team. : f g oS E Sincerely. yours, Direstor of Physical Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coach.