“Kool Kampus Fog’ A New Summer Feature No longer will it be necessary for the Summer Session student to won- der what.to do with that rather bor- ing hour that comes between the end of the evening meal and the time to start ‘hitting the books.’ He or she can have a swell time by coming up on the Hill and attending the new Summer Session feature; “The Kool Kampus Quad Recreational Hour,” held from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in front of | Fowler Shops. Benches, croquet and badminton courts and deck tennis equipment. have been set up on the large lawn ' just east of the gymnasium. On the, sidewalks bordering the lawn, stu-} dents can play shuffel board. Ex-) perienced summer sessionists say that this spot is the coolest place in Kansas on warm evenings. _ The games are under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Dunkle’s class in Community Recreation. Everyone is urged to attend and there is no charge for use of facilities. * * * % * * * * * * NOTICE > The tennis courts on the South * side of the Hill behind Robinson * gymnasium have been recently * repaired and are now ready for * play. The congestion on the * Stadium courts will be relieved, * and more students will be able * to play if these courts are used. * * = * * * * * “* & 8 R 7 * re i Rong is set cmeans a ale initttaldeal a Memorial Union Recreation Room Open for Summer Students i The recreation room in the sub- basement of Memorial Union build- ing will be open daily except Sunday from 1 to 3 o’clock in the afternoon starting Monday, Jack Townsend, | manager of the Union building, an+ nounced yesterday. As in the regufar session facilities | form ping pong, billiards, and pocket | pool are available. peer oe ee = a = -- / | Notice! | The second “Open House” of the i ‘Summer Session at the .Memorial | Union building will be held Thurs- day at 7 p.m. instead of Monday » evening. Holiday Picnic ‘On Tap’ Monday A Fourth of July picnic breakfast for summer session students will be ‘held at Brown’s Grove Monday morning at 8:30 0 ’clock. Dr. F. O. Russell, associate profes- sor in the School of Education, will act as head chef and will prepare the steak and coffee. Doctor Russell’s skill over a camp fire is well known on the campus. Persons going must make reserva- tions at the School of Education of- fice by Saturday noon. Cars will leave Fraser hall for the grove at 8 a 0 ‘clock. Archery Popular | With Summer Sessionites “Something for everyone” seems to be the slogan upon which the summer session co-recreational pro- gram is based. Archery is the latest addition to the number of sports for which facilities are available. The target and a net-+to catch the arrows that miss their mark are set /up on the lawn east of Robinson : gymnasium. Dr. Vernon W. Lapp, | assistant professor in physical edu- cation, is in charge of the sport each school day evening from 6:30 until 8 o’clock. Thought the equipment has | been in place only a few days, the sport has proved to bé popular with “summer sessionites. os eee PII ancot