ote Corporations will not be financially eble to mke goodewill donations to these athletic slugh funds, nor will frateraities and sororities be willing to feed an extre athletic mouth for the glory of good old Sighs Father and mother will not be able to foot the billse The vital business of whipping Hitler wil) be paramount to cur overe indulgense of glorified publicity and fimansial dieplay, neither of which are worthy lessons for youth to learn, Participation in athletics for the “mngigoe WALL be enghasised.s Our gate receipts will fall off and of necessity there will be © consequent deminution in the members of our highpriced Great throngs jam our football stadia each Saturday afternoon im the falle reat crowds stimulate nvewl interest and excitement. Seno followers back their athletic Savorites by plecing bete to show their questionable loyaltys Many times more than double the money that 4e bet on horse races in this country te gambled on football games each year in the United States. The profeseiom ganbling racknteere' “take” on foote ball parlaye whieh they put out eash Saturday afternoon is nearly 40%, aitumtion ie not the fault of the colleges, nevertheless the filthy hand of the reclateer hag not edified these intercollegiate games which were the losing coach of che college team is the object of a vielows attack by the “yelpers” who have lest their moneys Yet when these gablere win « tet of course thoy put their money inte their am pooketss vambling on games onies for instability ani’ Ulefeeling against the conshese