Mareh 20, 1944. fo whom It May Conoerns I desire to comend for your consideration Murray Rex Ayrowanith, of Pelleville, Kansas. I have known Rex Arrow- anit for tao youn act alunye Sound hie to te an mle’, aggreasive and affable young mane T had his in my class in Physical Education the past suse x, 19435. Ye is an expat evimmer. Uc show: leadership on the emapus, being a member of the All~Stadent Council] and ies Watlaeds uf Ss dechanig, Belen Sis Bale le is clean and possesses a reputation for splondid traits cf character. ee a re »® T ma glad to recommend him without reservation. In. my opinion hey ie aplemilid officer material. — Yory cordially yours, * Director of Flysical | POA:AH | Varsity Easketball “anah.