i at Ze equigment is absolutely essential. Providing the enrollment of the Conumity Resreation olase lweps up te 15 or above, it can furnish much needed leadership, ta tutgnt choudd consider the ponsttility af providing lendership ot stutent> wage rate if necessity ‘enendods Of course the sooiel progr mais omnll expenditures constantly necessary. So 1 reommend that the reorentive director worl under a budget whieh provides for 1) publicity, 2) equigmant, 3) loaders, 4) mintenmco. Se vorsamole | Ae I have alvendy inferred, the Job this sumer was alnost too mush for i ene person to handles i wesagnine the feat that mush of the veapenaidlity nigh have been delegnted. For inetance, at the program stood this sumer it was dis- the director to ayoaint a head and a ocmsittes to tale care of « 2» Junkets I dian" want to impose on already overbuniened feoulty, and I didn't want to risk capable. I do not mean to imply that I met with any Jack of cooperation an the part of the faculty or students. the contrary, I enjoyed a grand response; wat finding people who are enthusiastic about a program is much ensier than finding people who wart a definite part of its responsibility. ‘Secondly, 6 fecling that I must be very eoonanioal made me hesitate to use help which I felt should be Tt didn readily think of parsons who would fit into each groove. Since the