MORE NEWS! The Fall District Leadership Retreat of the YMCA and YWCA for the East Kansas District will be held at Ottawa Univ- ersity, October 23rd and 24th. Harry O'Kene, Y Secretary, expects to be in Cleveland the week of October 20th for a national meeting of some of the Y staffs. The President of the YWCA at K.U. for the coming year is Cara Shoemaker. Mrs. Rachel Vander Werf will continue as the Executive Secretary. Orientation Week for Freshmen and new students starts Thursday, September 23rd, with classes commencing Tuesday, September 28th. | WHERE THEY ARE??? We just received a letter from Art Partridge who is now at Indiana University in the ASTP. Alse attending the same university are: Jack Nutter, Jack Reinhart, Roger James, Harvey Haines, Donald Henderson, and Paul VanDyke. We are mighty sorry to hear that Paul VanDyke has been ill, and hope he is well on the road to recovery by this time. Ben Spencer, Harold Schneider, Bernard Walkon, J. Norman Hearin, and Seward Fleeson are reported to be at Camp Davis. Lt. Jack Armstrong dropped in on us the first part of the month on his way to one of the air bases in Texas. Jack is transferring to the army alr corpSe Duke Weltmer was on the campus for a short stay while on leave from Penn State. Ray Fvans was also a visitor to the campus during the month. Dub Hartley writes from Camp Davis where he is well along in his OCS train- ing. Harlan Altman is also at Camp Davis and we enjoy his frequent letters a lot. Another letter came from Bob Buehler who is at the University of Alabama. He expects to have a furlough in October and plans on being in Lawrence at that time. Bob Bellamy is at Perdue University in the Marine Training Program. Bill Stewart is now at Camp Wallace, Texas. Herbert Borgmann is at San Antonio, TeXAaSe Jay Gunmnels is now at Cemp Roberts, | according to a card received a few weekS 8206 — Jack Cousins has received his call and will report to Leavenworth in about a week. . Bruce Wittenberg reported to Leaven- worth this past week. Bonner Ruff is now located at Bowdain College in Maine. Charlie Pentz's latest post is Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Howell Hill is at OCS and expects to be through with his training there by the end of October. _ Bugene Frazier is now training for pilot at Santa Ana, California. - Received a letter from Ensign Howard Rankin. He is aboard ship in the Pacific. Leonard Hieber has icft St. Mary's and is now in training at Livermore, California. Charlic Black, Ben Fithion, Lester Radcliff, Gordon Parker and Bill Glover are also at the Santa Ana base. It. Robert Cree was in Lawrence a fow days ago enroute to his post in the South. : Had a pleasant chat with Herbert C. Asel the other days He is home on a furlough for a few days. John Conard is in pre-flight training at Mt. Vernon, Towse fed Young paid us a visit on his way home for a furlough from John Hopkins Medical School. Ted is an army medic atthe university in Baltimore. Lt. Jom Kreamer was on the campus last week while on furlough cnroute to his new loca tion. Pvt. John Krider is now located at the Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Missouri. Pvt. Fred Truxal has just completed his 0.C.P.S. He is at Camp Barkeley, Texase Mrs. Tyuxal (Peggy Osmond) is living in Abelene the camp. Bill Winey is still with the Marines in the Pacific. v-12's on the campus not reported in a previous issue ares Dan Chase, Jack Jarvis, Robert Prewitt, Prescott Ripley, John R. Stevenson, Theodore Wagner, Deam Wampler, and Dick Beachy Some 25 more were reported in the second issue of the Y News. More of the V-l2's and A-l2's noxt times