Y ELECTS OFFICERS FOR FALL TERM At a meeting of the Cabinet the following officers were elected to serve for this coming year: President - Thornton McClanahan Vice-Pres - Clarence "ngle Secretary - Jack Button Treasurer - Wendell Nickell The remainder of the Cabinet will be chosen at a later date. It is expected that this group will include ten men who w ill be in charge of various parts of the Y program for the coming year. Dave Rau wa s seieated t> be Editor of the Y News as well as to be in charge of the In-Service-Membership files. It is planned also to have at least one member of the Cabinet a member of the V-1l2's. Although the program of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Will be a separate one this year, plans are being made to have some joint affairs. Tentative plans are being discussed for a joint YV¥ and YM picnic at Clinton Park for one of the first activities of the fall program of the two organizations. The Servicemen's Club is fast approaching the 5000 mark so far as registrations are concerned. The 4000th man registered this past week-end and was given a free telephone call to his home in Iowai This gift is given to each thousandth man to register, and so far we have paid for calls to Vancouver, Washington; St. Louis, Moe; Joliet, Ill. and a town near Des Moines. MET * HAVE YOUR September 21, 1945 MAT BGT Due to the large number of service units on the campus and the necessity of the men marching to and from classes, a speed limit for automobiles has been set at 15 miles per hour. Joliffe Hall will be uSed.. for women students for this coming year according to an announcement made by the Dean of Women's office. Carruth and Batten- feld will be men's scholarship houses as they have been in the past. The John Moore Co-op has moved to 1409 Rhode island, a house formerly occupied by the boys but known as the Rock Chalk Co-op. A girl's Co-op group will ccoupy what was the John Moore housse : Lt. Col. Ws MeMcrris is the new commanding officer for the A-1l2=ASTP and ROTC program. Colonel Washingten has been granted a leave of absence besause of illness. Major Elverson Baker was transferred to the Area office some time ago, and Captain Smith has been ordered to another poste The speakers for the Servicemen's Chapel service for the month of Sept~- ember were: Reverend Beil of the Lutheran Church; Reve F. Hughes of the Congregational Church; and Harry O'Kane, Secty. of the Y. It was decidedc at the last meeting of the Religious Committee for Servicemen that due to the start of the fall program of the Churches the Chapel Services would be discontinued. The University of Kansas Concert Course as announced includes five numbers; Marie Wilkins, Arthur Rubinstein, The Philadelphia Opere Company, The Trépp Family Singers, and Joseph Szigeti. The first concert will be October 25th featuring Marie Wilkins, Coloratura Soprana,. ADDRESS If it differs from that on envelope.