Page 2. VII. a A. DR. ALLEN: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, present a representative of the United States Navy, Lte Ae He Buhl, Ue S. Naval Reserve, Commanding Officer of the Navy V-12 Unit and Machinists! Mates School, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. LT. BUHL «= B. LT. BUHL (Reads citations, presents pin to Mr. Wright and labor representative, and also announces that at the end of the ceremony, the remaining employees will be presented their pins on the stage.) VII. ; A. DR. ALLEN: Thank you, Lt. Buhl. Now I take pleasure in introducing to you Mr. Wilbur Wright, a representative of the employees . .. . » MR. WRIGHT -= Be MR. WRIGHT: - Representing the employees of the Kansas Color Press Machine Company, « «seeestteenvnevveeess IX. DR. ALLEN: (Announces the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner”) X. , (The official ceremony was ended with the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner". At the end Dr. Allen may call upon the remaining employees imeswidemiay—on~ . | sollestively asking them to come to the stage for their Ta represen clive pin presentation. The band may or may_not be playing during this interlude. : : g inter e ) rE Ricdd Masase 2 a a 253s i ‘