KANSAS COLOR PRESS MACHINE COMPANY "E" AWARD ~ Tuesday, 16 November 19435 8:00 to 8:50 PelMe Lawrence, Kansas : (ed ey all aera I. DR. ALLEN: To begin this Ampressive cent on of the a : tat Award —— MUSIC: Anerica II. DR. ALLEN: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have gathered here tonigh to witness the presentation of an Army-Navy "E" | This is the highest award an American company can attain. The Kansas Color Press Machine Company, Shan Werk, Lawrence, Kansas, is the first company in this ar be recommended by the Army Air Forces for this co . nah award. The products of this firm are probably in ee in every war theatre in the world. (Fill in brief remarks concerning company, employees, and — oe Yaaleey, of award. ) DR. ALLEN 2 “eet It is my pleasure now to introduce to you Major Ric Quen - Magee, who is representing the United States 4 ae MAJOR MAGEE. oe - © 6. OS eee Se eS CE ew: Sw Se Vv. ~William T. Nichols and labor representative step fo unfold the flag, and hold it so the spectators can it. Then it is handed to the waiting color guard, will hoist it on the flag pole while accompanied by band music. ae Ladies and Gentlemen, at this stan Whe. pres you lire William T. Nichols, who is one of the joint owners of the Kansas Color Press Machine Company. Ae DR. ALLEN Be. WILLIAM T. NICHOIS Dr. Allen, Distinguished Guests, Fellow Workers, and Gentlemen: At this time I want to thank the employees of our company with whom I have worked have worked with and for me and have made it possib win this QWward ss ees eset ee ee ee eee | (Fill in acceptance speech.) thei Speaking for myself and those whom I represent, I LAB of to say to our enployees, “Congratulations, to you, 7 winning this award." Hipp e a a> Beye o y TP 7 a af - Ve | “Gt 4 {3 pence” HAs VS tha e| é) 2 | RN hei en Dna EIS As Tse ANE CREDIT PER ae DRE Wysios We seas aa ee oie TT ee Sanna CROC SIOeeE stake baat