PRICE LIST FOR ARMY=NAVY "EZ" FLAGS (Prices subject to change without novice) Cost of Original Flag 18.31 27447 36.63 45.78 Sue9h Cost of Flags with One Star added $ 9l1 18.83 28.2) 37.66 7.07 56.9 Cost of Flags with Two Stars added $ 9.67 19.3) 29.02 38.69 18.36 58.03 Cost of Flags with Three Stars added $ 9.93 19.86 29679 3972 49.65 59-58 Flag orders should be sent directly to the Commanding Officer, Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, 2800 South 20th Street, Philadelphia 45, Pae Checks, payable to the Treasurer of the United States, mist accompany all orders. -18- 24 July 1943 24-411 74ABC ds. cs