2. EQUIPMENT FOR CEREMONY There should be a raised speakers! stand or platform, suitably decorated and large enough to accommodate speakers and honored guests. Confusion can be avoided if the seats are marked with names of the persons who will occupy them. It is urged that there be but one platform, and that the number of persons seated on it be held to a minimum. When it is necessary to have additional guests, they should be accommodated below the platform on seats placed to one side, so that they will not intervene between the platform and the audience of plant personnel. A flag of the United States should be provided for use as described on Page 1); of this Manual. It is possible that you may be able to secure an Army or ce Color Guard from a nearby post or establishment. If unable [ to secure such a Color Guard, you may use a uniformed color guard \\ trom some local organization, or one organized within your plant. Facilities for a public address system should be set up if the size of the ceremony warrants such arrangements. NOTE: The Award flag shall not be displayed in any way until the formal presentation is made. For instructions on how to fly the flag and how to erect suitable flagstaffs, see Appendix at back of this manual.