a | WHERE THSY ARB 17! Bob Kroesch is a radio operator with the infantry, training somewhere on the Hawaiian Islands. He writes that he hasn't seen anyone from KU so far and letters from his friends will be mech appreciated. Lt. Jack Armstrong is now in air corp training at Decatur, Alabama. Harold Hagy writes from Randolph Field, Texas e Cadet Garland Landrith was home on leave from West Point at Christmas time. Lt, Selby Soward also stopped in for a brief visit at the holidays. Pvt. Al Kendree is in ASTP at Amherst College. A/e Bob Ready writes from Wickonburg, Arizona where he is in the air corp. Deah Sims stopped in to soc us the latter part of December. Don Germann was.in the office the first of the year enroute to Fitzsimmons General Hospital in Denver whero he will be in training until the sta rt of the now semeste@r at which tine he expects to return to KU for medical school. Also ordered to Denver were: Tex Fury, Robert Kirk, Tom Perdue, Jim Roderick, Barl Siefers, Carter Sigel, Lyle ‘londer- lich, Jack Passmore, Bentley Nelson and J. Fe Kelscy. afc Phil L. Hellman, who is stationed at the Hutchinson Air Baseg stopped in at the Serwicemen's Club one Sunday. h/co John J. Conard writes from Bdmond, Oklahoma, He says that Frank Rush, K. ™. “iley and Don Gilles are at the same basee Gilles was appointcd asst. wing leader. Pvt. Verne Schneider was in the office the first of the month. Verne is in ASTP at San Francisco University. Lee 3anks is at the sane school, We rocoived a letter from Neal Andreason who is in the air corp at San Angelo, Texas. Pyt. Herb Asel was in to see us while on furlough from Camp Robinson. Lte Fe Le Brumback was on campuse Ho is at Fort Belvoir, Virginioe we had & little chat with Cple Goorge Worrall when he wos heree George is at Fort Bliss, Toxas. Glon Sankey stopped in to see us several times whon he was here. Glen ha s been reloased from the Navzl Hospital and will so on with his air corp training. His next stop will be Grand Junction, Colorado. Bob Bollany is now stationed at Quanticc Virginine Lt. Bob Cater was into sce use He is now stationed at Camp Barkoley, Toxas. “oe recoived a letter from A/c John Bockhurst from Phoenix, jirizonao. Jack Cousins writes from Camp Blanding, Florida. His letter happily wasn't censored by the Florida Chamber of COrImerce « John Asher writes from Great Lakes where he is 3/c Pharmacist Mate. He oxppcts to be shipped out soon. Lt. ond “rs. Frod Truxall (Pogzy Osmond) wore in to sce us this past weeke Frod has finished his OCS and is the adn. branch of the Medical Corp. Bob Buchler is still in ASTP at the Ue of Alnabaine He is apply for trans fer to the air cory Jin Reed writes that ho will be leaving for the -army this weck. Bob Docking is in the air corp and is stationed at Jefferson Barracks. Cpl. Molvin Zack was on campus. Melvin is located at ‘arnor Robins, Georgina. cadet-nidshipnan jmon Yoodworth was on the canpus this past week. Jon is with tho Merchant Marinos, A/c Herb Borgmann has moved to Indopond- ence, Kansas for basic flizht trainins. A/c Joc Yager is still flying then at San jintonio. L/e hubrey Brad&icy is now at Moody Ficla, Georgia. A/c Jud Townley is located nt Athons, Ga. Dick Menkin, Max “ynore, "m. Nichols, Gordon Scherer, Del Perkins, Lloyd Svoboda and Stcphen Stinson have left for Crmp Davis for OCS.