UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 24, 1940 Coach Wayne Replogle Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Wayne: The University YelfCeAe is putting on a financial drive, and they have asked me to serve as chairman of their drive in Robinson Gymnasium, They are not asking for a lot of moneys anything you feel you can reasonably givee As a gauge I might tell you that several years AZO I gave $100.00 a year, and after three years I cut it down to $50200, then to $25.00, then to $10.00, and now for the past three or four years I have given $5.00. Some of the others give more and some give lesse I am sending you a pledge card with this letter and I would thank you if you would study the possibilities of your contributione Make your pledge on this card and urn It tow, meat your conveniences fp bee ae cy c Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated by the whole bodye Very cordially yours, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: 1 Enc e .