MEMBERSHIP ASSEMBLIES Margaret Learned Keith Martin Membership assemblies-- they're a feature that we intend to emphasize this year, and how! There will be seven assemblies each one of which will be open to the entire membership and to everyone who would like to come, We plan to bring outstanding speakers to you=--people you've al- weys wanted to hear. Fur« thermore we'll see that they don't talk too long so that you'll have a chance to ask them ques= tions. Already we've ‘heard that Kirby Page, Sherwood Fddy, and Paul ‘Moritz will be in ,our territory this fall, and wetye contacted the re-= gional Y office and other such organizations which can secure speakers for use The programs will also include music, and== well--you name it, and 'wetll do our best to get it for yous The first assembly will be in November. The dates are all in your K booke Mark them with a "must" and a red letter, tooe Guaranteed to be worth your while or time will be refunded. Little need be said about the actual mechanics of membership. Just about everyone knows that behind the scenes of every going organization lies a budget which must be balanced. A famous old saying might fit heres You can get something out of an organ= ization only when you put something into it, That saying however, doesn't only apply to the material side of the situation such as fees, but also to the non-material zest and spirit that every good mem= ber puts into his organiza- tion. All philosophying aside=-join the Y and enjoy Ke Us In this first issue of the "Y'*S CALL" we have tried to bring to you an explanation of the various commissions of the Y. We appreciate the cooperation of the cabinet members in helping use Publicity Committee, Helen Martin Charles Wright Eda Paddock Yo We. C. Aw Secretary John J. 0. Moore Y. Me. C. A. Secretary As you start on this new adventure in living, known as a college education, I am glad to be one of those to welcome you to kK. U, It is a grand place to live and worke And in these times that might be called chaotic, but which I think contain our greatest opportunities for courageous living, I an glad to welcame you to our Ye W. Fellowship. That is an old-fashioned word; but it expresses, I think, our attempts to put into action our belief that all men should have life and have it more abun= dantlye We work, but we have fune See you at Henley Housee Eda Paddock Y. W, Secretary College is more than four years of preparation for life. Rather, it is a per- jiod of intense living such as you may never again ex= perience. We welcome you in the hope that these years will be crammed full of adven- ture and the joy of hard work, real comradeship and growth. You. will find the "Y's" an open door to such rich living. Come to us if we can help you at any time. In the mean- time, just drop in to get ac- quainted. Again, welcome in every sense of the word! John J.0. hoore YM. Secretary Religion is a great force=-=- the only real motive in the world; but what you fellows don't understand is that you must get at a man through his own religion and not through yourse -- GB, Shaw PERSONNEL CQMMISSION Al Decker Shirley Jane Ruble This commission plans to do three things this yeare First, to increase social contacts on the cempuse This includes relations between facul- ty and student, boy and girl, fraternity and non- fraternity groups, parent and student, advisory board and student, and in- terdenominational contacts. The second objective is to provide recreation for students. The third is to develop a wider interest through vocational guid- ance and leadership train- ing. There will be five com- ittees to fulfill these objectives. They are: 1. Camp Leaders Training, 2- Social Suppers, 3, Campus-wide Activities, 4, Vocational Guidance ,and 5. Creative Leisure. These groups, separate last year, fit more natur- ally under our commission. For our whole problem is that of relations between “people of all types. Where could you find a better method of adjusting to people, for instance, than through leisure-time activ- ities? The Y.M. and Y.W. work in partnership. Throughout the year we shall have joint meetingse The first will be of a general nature to liven things up for an eventful and worthwhile year. We want your interest. No student, new or old, can go through college without feeling the importance of personel relations. With your cooperation, we shall make this commission mean much to each of youe