denuary i7, 1959 Dre John Browt, S47 teadison Avenue, New York City, NeYe Dear Dr. Browns i am enclosing herewith the questions visieh you requested in your letter of January 10th. Sincerely yours, Chairman, Fifth District, Hations Basletball Com ttee. Dr. Franx P. Macuire , President P.O. Box 181, Harrisburg, Pa. Tuos. WACHENFELD, JR., Vice-President Joun Brown, Jr., M.D., Executive Secretary 347 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Honorary President VALENTINE LENTZ CLEMENT M. Eyier, Recording Secretary NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF APPROVED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS Grace W. SMITH Office Secretary 3847 Madison Avenue, New York EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. Franx P. Macuire, President TuHos. WACHENFED, Jr., Vice-President JoHN Brown, Jr., M.D., Executive Secretary CLEMENT M. Eyter, Recording Secretary James E. Coocan Frank C, CorriGAN Davin B. Fawcett Epw. M. KELLEHER VALENTINE LENTZ OrreEL J. MITCHELL H. A. PRENTICE D. LeRoy Tacketr Joe L. Tosin Wm. G. WHARTON COMMITTEE ON POLICIES Joe L. Tosin, Chairman 444 Crescent Avenue Buffalo, N: Y; OFFICIALS RATING BLANK CLEMENT M. EYLER, Chairman Milligan College Milligan College, Tenn. RULES REVISION COMMITTEE Davi B. Fawcett, Chairman 71 St. Nicholas Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa. VISUALIZATION & TECHNIQUE OF OFFICIATING Orrex J. MircHety, Chairman 27 Eye St., N. W. Washington, D. C. : January 10, 1939 Dear Dr. Allen: It is late in the season and we are in need of our Series "B" Examination for officials. Will you please lend your able assistance by submitting five questions of the yes-and=-no type so that I may send them to Oswald Tower at an early date for his use in compiling the Series "B" examination. Do not use "trick" questions. Please also indicate the rule involved, and the answer "Yes" or "No." Kindly send the questions to me. Your help in this matter will not only be ap- preciated by Oswald Tower, but will benefit the officials. With all good wishes for 1939, Sincerely yours, a 0 Jo Brown, dfs, Le Secretary. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Our second semester Baduinton classes will be starting in a very short time, and I am wndering if you would be willing to send us some Nos 2 Match Shuttle- rackets, cocks, kid base, and some of the less expensive Nose 700 - 710 ~ 702 = 715 (shown on page 8), on @ enn Sant So pemening ain Sor wagering 3 Mite Ce Oe Burnside, Oklehom City, Okla. Thani: you for your good letter of the 27th instant. You lmow, I am still convinced that you are going to 3 pag nay a ga tage Sagres ys rgpaell ae it may take , you @ year or two to do it, bub when results come the you will seo that after all it was a better combination than yo then you think. in Gen 10 dg ao ane eee just the reverse. Siok Suleen te eemene, ac ad a. coe tae uabnaeh, Wek hs a eee ede his men I am sure that trey will go a long wy. With all good wishes, I an Jen. 27, 1929 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kamsas, Lawrence, Kansas. My Dear Dr. I have your letter and the copy from Henshaw.) Honestly, I don't see how Ab or Karl Jones could deny that they did a carload of squawking about you putting them on the spot in the Stillwater game which far from My province to worry. However, I do want you to know that you had the in- formation straight, that they were squawking in the first place. L am most unhappy at your run of bad luck and I will state 1 was buoyed up to hope that we were on the way at last, but J guess ktlesegs) s boys jumped too many long shots through the hoop for us. After'l analyze7your team's weakness, it looks to me like this is the first ball club that hasn't caught on to your famous defense tactics. We are getting as many points as in previous years, but fail to keep the other boys from dumping the ball through the hole. I hope you can bool on through the rest of the season undefeated. I hope that the next time you see mel am at least one per cent reconciled to your football situation. 1 want you to know that I haven't changed my opinion one bit. 1 think it was. the saddest time in the atheletic history of the University of Kmsas when that crew was pushed in with a five year contract and 1 will get up on my feet anywhere on any occassion to say so. Believe you me, it is quite a drop to have a sour puss in charge up thereafter ha ing a fine personality scintilfate and front for that school for £0 years. Don't let it get you down because I realize we can't all he enthusiastic about the same people. Ever a friend, ee 0.2L, “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” February 16, 1939. ‘lire Maurice L. Breidenthal, Jre : ty National Bank, Kansas City, Kansas. Lees © uc es Ne Os nas mainly the KansaselMissouri basketball game at Columbia, will keep me from personally attending your wedding on Thursday, March 2nd lirae Allen expects to go, but it will be im possible for me to be there. i went you to imow that I sincerely hope for you a aoe ee have ite . : é | Yon bende Sinmceell yoiuh 2406 weny endedclidy ant enthot. ieallye I have watehed you fron the time that you were a With deepest wishes for you and yours, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketbali Coaches copy of a letter that I have written to Dean Swarthout about use of the auditorium. I thought this would give you a iistory of the situations : With best wishes, I an Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity basketball Coachs ‘Ure Maurice Le Reaidentied, ‘Zen wondering if you could give me a little information es i, Hake fea ationendta, of tem eet & MeDomell tain Goring fim at 107 W. Limood Blvde, Hansas City, Moe - * Frank Kometz, who was on our varsity basketbali squad last year,’ and who is graduating this year, caught a ride home with Mre McDonnell net se long ago, and apparently Prank made a big hit with hime Frank has learned thet Ware MeDemell wants to put him in a job at Cleveland. MeDonnell is an outstanding man, but I would like . to lmow whet standing he has, if you could secure it for me. «XE hewe just filled out a recamendation blank for Frank for the Standard 011 Company. Ue is one of our finest youmg men, and I want to do all I can to help hime George Nettles gives hina job every swmer there at Pittsburg, and he has worked for us here in the gymesium. He is a great boys I shall appreciate anything you can dos i STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION ROBERT W. BLACK President ROBERT WOLLARD Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer UNIVERSITY of MISSOU R| MARY JANE STEVENSON Jesse Hall Columbia, Missouri February 27, 1939, Dr. F.C, Alien, Dept. of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen; Our Student Government Association is sponsoring a dance in honor of our basket-ball team on the evening following the game this week, (Friday, Margh 3rd.). In view of the traditional spirit of friendly rivalry, long existent between K,U, and MU, it would seem very fitting that you and the Kansas team be our guests at that time, in the event it is possible for you to stay over, If this is possible, we will reserve tickets, complimentary, of course, for you and the squad at the gate, I don't know whether or not you recall me- although I've had the pleasure several times when you've been down here of renewing an acquaintanceship brought about some years ago. My father, at that time, was president of the K,U, Alumni, and on several occasions I accompanied him to Lawrence- at which times he usually saw you. My aunt, Miss Florence Black- of your faculty, is also an intense Kansas, Allen, and basketball fan, and I understand she plans to make the trip to Columbia. Although I couldn't whole-heartedly wish that you prove successful this Thursday, I do wish to extend my sincerest congratulations on the fine ball team you've turned out again this year. I guess it's a habit, : Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you this Thursday, I remain, Very truly yours, Robert W., Black “are sorry wo couldn't have won for yous Cordially yours, CLASS OF SERVICE |. S 1201 SYMBOLS Aine is a ee DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- = ee ex its de- NL=Night Letter ezréd character is in- LC=Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable ( O4 )ir — bela eS symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. 3 R. B. a NEWCOMB CARLTON J. GC. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDEN CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Received at 12 South 8th St., Columbia, Mo. Phone 3148 i AAJ201 10 SER=OKLAHOMACITY OKLA2 449P UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL TEAM= DR F C ALLEN O30 MAR 2 PM BS @4 ‘VICTORY HAPPY JAY HAWKERS SOONER LAND PULLING FOR SMASHING VICTORY= ‘C O BURNSIDES THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ee: wrsitye Toe george apren sw Gon to meet €'7° and 6°S" men in every Big Six Conference team is _ & little too tough and weering on the six footers. = EE pee eek eat to tay eee | et It was good to see you at Columbia. You mow that ie deni" On ena gneds We have been licked many times be~ fore, but it seems we never get quite accustaed to ite He uppresiate your sincere friendships | Deekingien Sparta Comny, New York City, NeYe Dear Sirss | We desire to order the following Badninten racketss | 2 Noe 702 Spartan © $2570 cach » + « $5040 1 = Noe 705 Wonder © $6400 cach « + « « 6200 Sermie OS vcvas Squash (saris ELoadntnton Sable SF ovinie Deak Sint Field Hockey Cable Address: POMAC sj NEW YORK § = NEW YORK § 150 se aldyetic. C treet New Yor, January 23,1939 Dept of Physical Education University of “ansas Lawrence,ansas Gentlemen: As per your letter of the 2lst, we are today sending you our 1938 catalog showing the various Badminton sets we carry. We shall: be pleased to allow you 50% off the list prices Very truly yours BUCKINGHAM SORTS CO. Gefen ES: AL : | T an enclosing two comuications with inform ation regarding Latent Talents — i that it will be a few days late due to the umable to do anything on ‘0 aseee an ecomees of