J. A. CARPENTER, ACTING PRESIDENT COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT W. MUSGRAVE WOOD, CHAIRMAN “G@. E. AIKEN B. H. HENTHORNE W.E.CAMPBELL EARL HOVEY EARL W. DEPUTY J. G. LEWIS Cc. L, ECKERT ¢. E. LOMBARDI R. H. ELLIOTT L, E. OLSON A. C. HAGNY uv. T. PRIME T. R. HARBER I. §. SIEGRIST G. W. HARDING ANSEL STUBBS H. K. HENDRICKS LYLE F. TRUMP Cc. E. WOLFE A. W. TYTLER, TREASURER A. B. COLTON, RECORDING SECRETARY Cc. G. LORD, GENERAL SECRETARY Kansas City, Missouri DEPARTMENT OFFICERS W. MUSGRAVE WOOD.......... CHAIRMAN Poung flen’s Christian Assoriation T. BR. HARBER. VICE-CHAIRMAN CENTRAL DEPARTMENT 404 EAST TENTH STREET VICTOR 9620 Co Bs WOULRE..... TREASURER “L. ¥. TRUMP... REC. SECRETARY Vv. P. WETZ......... EXECUTIVE SECRETARY August 30, 1939 Eleventh Annual Reunion of the Kansas City, Missouri Y.M.C.A. Leaders’ Corps. Wednesday evening, September 20th has been tentatively set as the date for the Eleventh Annual "Get-Together" of the former active members in the Kansas City, Missouri Y.M.C,A. As a matter of explanation, the idea of the Annual Reunion was originated by a few of the members of the old Leaders' Corps. However, it was always the idea and plan of this group not only to include members of the Leaders‘ Corps, but also all former active members in the Y.M.C.A. As each year has passed the interest and enthusiasm has been increased as you will note from the copy of the Secretary's Report and list of those attending last year's meeting. At a recent meeting of a few of the members of the Committee it was decided that perhaps a Fall meeting would be, if any- thing, more desirable than the early Spring meeting. You will be informed later of the exact date of this year's meeting, and also a card will be enclosed for your reserva+- tion. June Baker Ansel Stubbs E. T. McGaw V. £. Chaney T. A. Neidenberger L. A. Calkins Ralph W. Timberlake, Chairman Enc. (Copy of minutes of last meeting and list of members attending.)