May 2274 1 958— Inte Haxy Zerohery S21 Mills Butlding, Topela, Kensase Dear Dre Zerchers i hate ow: Ate steady a sls semi seals Sta of April 25 sooners I have read your letter very carefully several times, and I feel very meh inclined to agree with you that Clinton, dre, would make a more constructive move by caning —— eee | CONE WhSle Washburn Collage has e verry good sehool of business : administration, I am sure that a graduate of this inetétution would or should offer greater possibilities on avcount of the very noture of the seteupe This is a state wmiversity, and it should iutroduse & young man to more favorable opportunities after gradu Z oy Ont ho ourtainly wl have vary good opsortndt to find work because with a young city on Mount Oread of five union Gtstiaian theew to seme much work te be domes I would suggest ‘that he should come dow: before sohool is out, and if he will cane into my offies i will be very happy to advise him after I have If ho im adept or progressively good in typing and short Seaiae aa lk and ton, thle teas Of Geen tc ome Weak ete etudent life, because much of this work could be done Work of this nature could be carried along through the winter, | — UC eee with the bad weather's Tho Seo, laoy tint ho ac dono weit tho local brary