October 28, 1940 Mire Le Ae Ericksan SecretaryeTreasurer Wisconsin High Sehool Coaches Assns Shorewood, Wisconsin Dear ir. Ericksons I am writing you to inform you that you my expect me at your meeting of the Wisconsin High School Goaches Association which is being held in connection with the annual State Teachers Convention on November Te I wmderstand the meeting is te be at the Shorewood High School; the time of the program to be Thursday evenings I understand my speech is to be on the sone defence, slow break and fast break, it will be @ pleasure for me to be with you gontlenens : If you have @ printed program I would be happy iff you would send the same to me as sometimes a fellow in looking over the progrem is enabied to get some further inspiretion fran euch e codicil. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical “ducation and Reorestion Varsity Basketball Coach . PCAsig