. ’ Sh & _ x r ; A Limiey fn a r Bia ennat ae 2 fa TS eLere tonere ape. aay ake AN ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTION OF THE PROPOSED NEW WOMEN’s GYMNASIUM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. : eae possible, notably archery, bowling r and the like. By additional gymna- sium space, she said, it would be possible for the women to have their intramural indoor games in the aft- ernoon instead of having to divide time with the men and often sched- ule games for late evening hours. Miss Hoover visualizes a gymna- sium with class rooms, corrective rooms, a dance studio with stage; roofs fitted like steamer decks. for badminton, darts, deck tennis, shuf- fleboard and tennis; a lounge with kitchenette to provide study room, and a place for teas, parties, com- mittee and club meetings. Tentative plans call for a central building about 80 by 100 feet, with class rooms, offices, locker rooms and the like on the three floors and basement. At either side of the cen- tral part would be two wings, each 80 by 110 feet, and each containing a gymnasium on its main floor. In the basement of one wing would be a 75-foot swimming pool, and in the other a bowling alley, archery and shooting gallery. The suggested location for the new gymnasium is south of the present Robinson gymnasium, near the pres- ent women’s hockey fields.