Continued from page 1 under direction of Prof. George Beal. Roughly the plan calls for a central building about 80 by 100 feet, with class rooms, offices, and locker rooms, on the three floors and basement. At either side of the central part would be two wings, each 80 by 110 and each, on its main floor, a gymnasium. At the second-floor level would be a balcony on all four sides. In the basement of one wing would be a 75-foot swimming pool, and in the | other a bowling alley, archery and shooting gallery. A suggested location for the wo- men’s building is south of the present gymnasium, near the present wo- men’s hockey fields. - \ ‘Women’s Gym \ Proposed for Campus Project of Women’s Building Already Given Some Attention as Preliminary Architectural Drawings Have Been Prepared When the special committee of the University athletic board begins its study next fall of needed improvements in the plant devoted to athletics and physical training, it will find the department of physical education ready to urge the erection of a woman’s gymnasium, or rather a women’s activities building. Claims for a field house, or more@=— practice fields or tennis courts will be presented, and with them will be the project of a woman’s building. Already the project has been given sufficient study to result in an outline of the enterprise, and to have pre- liminary architectural drawings pre- pared. “There are as many women in the University now as there were of both men and women when Robinson gymnasium was erected,” said Dr. F. C. Allen, chairman of the department of physical education. “By erection of a woman’s building, the présent gymnasium would be released for the general exercise and physical educa- tion program of the University.” Miss Ruth Hoover, in charge of women’s athletic activities, outlines objectives of a woman’s building to provide more sports-than-now~—pos-— sible, notably archery, bowling, and the like. By additional gymnasium | space it would be possible for the women to have their intramural in- door games in the afternoon (at 4:30) instead of having to divide time with , the men, and often schedule games for late evening hours. Miss Hoover visualizes a gymna- sium with class rooms, corrective | rooms, a dance studio with stage; roofs fitted like steamer decks for badminton, darts, deck tennis, shuf- felboard and tennis; a lounge with kitchenette to provide study room, and a place for teas, parties, commit- tee and club meetings. “This building, with our excellent outdoor playing facilities, will afford the women of Kansas one of the most complete instructional, recreational, and social plants in the country,” she says. Tentative sketches have been pre- pared for the proposed building by James Bounds, a student working Continued on page 3 Chanselior E. He Lindley, University of Kansas. i was sorry that I wes out of the office when : you and Mr. Bayles dropped in. I also missed you when you phoned for me and comveyed your message to Mrs. Nulteene I em sending you a carbon : copy of the letter that I wrote to Professor Davis regarding the very 2 c. Rebingon Gymmasiua, as you know, was built in 1906 when the enrollment was 1200. Se now have 4200 enrollment, and we ere 3 endeavoring to teke care of the greatly enlarged athletic and physical 4 education department, as well as our uew school of physics] educations a This building is used fran early morning witil past eleven o*clock at might from Thenkegiving umtil April or May. Way I sketch a slight history of the situa since I came to the University as Director of Athletics in 1019. The basement was chock-full of lockers and sach individual student put : ric fans in this locker room causing a circulation ~Ze The shower room wes not closed and the steam from the shower room in cold weather made the whole gymnasium quarters damp and unhealthy, Therefore, we bricked in the wall, closing off the shower room, and laid tile on the floor and sides of the shower. I am sure that you can imagine what an wnhygienic condition we had there before we had Ss the tile. The wet concrete would mould and a fungus growth would develop = on the wall, which made it anything but inviting. ose the toilets were just at the entrance of the door as you went in, These were moved away and placed in locations that ed conditions immensely, Fans were placed in the swimming pool to draw the steam and moisture to the outside. E Robinson Gymnasium is more quakiepublic than any build+ ing on the campus. The Oread High School boys use it several hours each week. High school boys and other people not connected with the University are not permitted here, yet wmless we exercise eternal vigilance this _ gyumasium is overerim by itinorante who destre to ues sone pert of tte We . encourage our faculty to use it and provide available locker space. On account of the long hours of use it is almost impossible to set up the proper patrol necessary to inswre egainst theft. You doubtless remember when several prominent Lawrence ; boys were caught in the meshes of the law when they purloined a great number 4 of watches and money of students of the University who were takirg exercise. ; We have put iron bars over all the windows, because this group would employ & liaison system, one standing in the basement, the other at the head of the stairs, and another one on the outside. When they found that the people were absorbed in a game on the top floor of the gymnasium, the fellow at the top flocr would give a signal to the fellow down below. He would walk over to the locker room, pick up some of the garments there, and throw them out the window to the fellow waiting outside. The fellow on the south end of the building would rifle the pockets, then either threw the clothes back or ieft them there. ; : | a I enly mention this to show you, Chancellor Lindley, | that unless we have permanent construction it 4s impossible to keep any equipment from the hands of those who desire to appropriate this equipment more than we even desire to keep it. You perhaps will recall thet where we now have our basket system the Military Department had their enmumition, guns and revolvers stored. One Christmas week some ten years back thieves got into this room and stole a large number of revolvers, gums and ammunition. A I have never been guilty of recamending any temporary wooden construction, except the large handball courts outside, which you very promptly and appropriatéy tacked on the neme of Mexican box oars. = agree that the description is very appropriate, but so anxious was I to pre play utilities for the students that I thought we might utilize the eo nent we had on hand when it was impossible to set them up in concrete, These hand= — ball courts, now ten years old, are in a bad state of decay, and I am workin on plans with Mrs Fs Ae Russell to present figures replacing these with crete construction. Wilh el se Saga 5 ode The roaas that I wrote Mr. Davis about were not plemed for temporary construction; In my opinion, it is just as per~ manent as the brick wall that we built giving the women more ample dressing room facilities, and the closing in of the shower room which | added a hygienic situation. We have a wooden ceiling above this location that I desired walled ine If we would put any flemmable construction there we would just add to the hazards of being burned dows I have carried on a relentless fight against the use of cigarettes in this building. It is a fire trap, and if fire would ever start on the wooden construction it would just take these floors out in double time. I trust that you will see that I have thought this matter over very carefully and worked very patiently through the years endeavoring to procure the greatest possible efficiency wader most cramped quarters Somat ti amss i point with pride to the fact that any small improvement in building, which is 51 years old, has never been torn out or changed. Youre ago we had placed in the ceiling of Robinson Gymnasium large ventilators to aid in the circulation of air on that floor. i now heve in mind another improvement, if we can all agree upon it, @ that is to use that space up there for recitation class and research roomBe This, of course, is when ths funds are available. It would provide a : large amoumt of additional space and at the same time would close that large auditorium off with a ceilings And the ceiling would be high enough not to interfere in any way with basketball gemes and other gemes that - require elevated ceilings. At the same time, it would give greatly ene larged space which is so uscessary here for class roone in our new physical education set upe Dormer windows could be rum along the Oe oe the roof to admit swumlight in a most pleasing fashions This building really needs rewiring to lessen the fire hazards ‘This floor for the upper rooms and the ceiling for the gymaasiva would provice a space for electric lighting fixtures and would make safe the handling of this lighting. As it is now, it is a great hagard for the men to climb from beam to beam in handling this very dangerous lighting situation. I beg your pardon for writing such a long letter, but I wanted you to kmow how very carefully we have considered this small request before we asked for it. Very cordially yours, 3 3 Varsity Basketball ak FCAsAH Director of Physical Education. Preliminary Statement Concerning the Need for A TEN-YEAR BUILDING PROGRAM at the University of Kansas Contents General statement List of building needs Laboratory building for pharmacy and medical sciences Extension of library stack Industrial research building | Completion of Dyche Muscum School of Business School of Education Engineering Shops School of Fine Arts Gynnasiun Journalism (see also Kg bea ~ DO IW PO oily 10 14 15 17 14) August 18, 1938 16 a GENERAL STATEMENT In 1923 the central section of Frank Strong Hall was completed and opened for use, providing relief for the overcrowded condition that had developed with the upswing of college attendance after the War. Since then the enrollment has increased and is now at its peak (25 per cent or 900 students above 1923), with the result that class, office, and laboratory facilities are again greatly overcrowded, proportionately far more so than in 1923. It is true that in the meantime buildings have been added either by gift or state appropriation, but these were replace- ments or non-classroom buildings and added nothing to the teaching cap- acity of the University plant. The pressure of student enrollment for additional space has already become acute in the library, in the medical sciences, in chemistry, in pharmacy, in chemical engineering, and in petroleum engineering; and is approaching an emergency in several other departments, such as education, journalism, business, art, music, public school music, and physical edu- cation and intramural play. All available space has been utilized. Of- fices have been divided, temporary rooms have been constructed in dark, unventilated basement corners, and even sub-basement quarters have been excavated. Work of some departments is widely scattered (that of Business, in five different buildings), making effective teaching, administration and student sounseling very difficult. There is no indication that the student demand for higher education will decline. Rather, the probabilities are that it will expand still further in the decade ahead. For ten years the University has had a gen- eral building holiday; for fifteen years it has not had an expansion of classroom facilities. This lag should be caught up as fast as the state can make provision. Otherwise Kansas cannot hope to offer its youth the adequate, modern educational facilities tmt other states are providing for their young people. 10-YEAR BUILDING PROGRAM In recognition of these needs a ten-year building program is out- lined below with the sincere hope of its realization at the earliest possible date consistent with the ability of. the State to provide. The first four items, while listed in order of their importance if necessity requires that, are urgently needed at this time. The other items are listed in alphabetical order, not in order of their importance. Details of each item may be found on the sheets following this list. 1. Laboratory building for medical sciences and plarmacy. 2. Extension to library stack. 3. Building for industrial research, including teaching of chemi- cal and petroleum engineering, and geology. 4. Completion of Dyche Museum. | Business School building Education and training school building Engineering shops Fine Arts building Gymnasium Journalism building 1. LABORATORY BUILDING For Pharmacy and the Medical Sciences PHARMACY Pharmacy is housed in part of the east end of the Bailey Chemical Laboratories in space urgently needed by Chemistry. The present quarters are badly congested, and concern is felt that this situation may have had an effect on the rating of the School in the recent inspection by the Am- erican Council on Pharmaceutical Education. Kansas, with its one thousand plus drug stores and its twenty-four hundred plus registered pharmacists, requires for replacement at least sixty new registered pharmacists a year. The surplus in pharmacists which existed before the new four-year state law went into effect in 1934 has now been absorbed, and with the School now recognized as the only legal source of supply in Kansas, it is inevitable that provision for larger en- rollment must be made in the very near future. The data on enrollment and graduates in recent years are as follows: 133.1 3 1Z4-135 135—136 136.17 137='38 Enrollment 52 _— - 1 106 Graduates 8 5 4 18 15 MEDICAL SCIENCES The laboratory work of the medical sciences--Anatomy, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, and Physiology--is now done in five separate buildings, and the lecture and recitation work in six or seven different buildings. With the exception of Bacteriology, which is well located although somewhat crowded on the top floor of new Snow Hall, the medical sciences are located in temporary quarters not originally intended. for such work. One depart- ment, Physiology, has its laboratories in two widely separated buildings. These quarters although scattered are adequate for 65 students but, owing to the large number of deserving applicants for admission to medicing, more than 75 students are crowded in each year. The results are first, that classes are greatly overcrowded, and second, that many qualified Kansac applicants are rejected each year because of lack of room. This fact is shown in Table I, on the next page. TABLE I : SUMMARY OF MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICATIONS FROM 1926 to 1938 Accepted Refused Total Accepted But State Out-of-State Date Enrolled* Not Enrolled Applicants Applicants** Total 1926-'27 an 23 25 83 215 1927-'28 75 10 31 128 2uy 1928-!29 73 22 35 140 270 1929-'30 7 14 24 142 251 1930-'31 76 11 37 137 261 1931-'32 81 10 37 8S 206 1952+" 3) fe 9 32 150 264 1933-'34 15 15 32 97 219 1934-135 $1 16 30 118 245 1935-'36 87 9 47 148 291 1936-37 17 18 60 | 154 309 1937-'38 82 25 51 201 359 The inspection of the School of Medicine a year ago by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association graded the Law- rence division low on physical facilities--anatomy in the lower 30 per cent of all schools in the country, biochemistry in the lower 20 per cent, and physiology in the lower 40 per cent. This evaluation may have an un- fortunate effect on the rating of the School, which to date has been an "A" institution. Anatomy. The anatomy department is temporarily located in the small frame building originally constructed for a cafeteria. The building is not fireproof, and this imposes a real risk on the $30,000 inventory of equipment, models, charts, and microscopic collections, some of which can- not be replaced. The intention of the Regents and the University Adminis- tration was to raze the building, until the closing of Dyche Museum six years ago forced the removal of the anatomy department from temporary quarters there to the cafeteria building. The building has no recitation or lecture rooms, and for these pvr- poses rooms in other buildings on the campus must be used at free hours, which often are not convenient to the medical students. This situation makes the use of available illustrative material almost impossible, and thus the instructional efficiency is cut down. The building has next to no facilities for housing and care of ani- mals. There is no provision for certain modern methods of teaching, such as X-ray, cross section anatomy, and experimental work. Room for offices. * Total enrolled in first year class. ** This is number of applicants who actually applied--many were persuaded not to make formal application. -3- private study, and research of staff members is inadequate. The total floor space of the building is about 8500 square feet. The estimated square feet needed for a modern department with provision for the future is 25,000. Bacteriology. Bacteriology has modern quarters on the top floor of new Snow Hall, but the steady growth of major and graduate enrollment has crowded the facilities. In addition, the following needs for the current enrollment exist: laboratory space for hematology or bacterial physiology; more room for graduate research; space for display of a working museum of pathological specimens; an operating room; more animal quarters; more in- cubator space. Eventual enlargement of the medical school classes to 100 would cause additional difficulties. Placing of Bacteriology in ample quarters in a medical science building would release the top floor of Snow Hall to some other University department. For example, psychology could be moved in, releasing its pre- sent quarters in the basement of East Strong Hall to the much-overcrowded School of Business. Biochemistry. The department of biochemistry has at its disposal one small office, one laboratory of 40 desks, one small (10 feet by 12 feet) third floor room for advanced students, and a bascment and sub-basement store and supply room. All this space is needed by Chemistry to handle the present record enrollment of students interested in chemistry either as a major, or in connection with majors in chemical engineering and pet- roleum engineering. Some of the medical class experiments must be con- ducted in the hall of the building because of insufficient laboratory space. Lecture and recitation rooms, of course, must be sought from other departments. Physiology. The laboratories of the physiology department are located in part in the west basement of Frank Strong Hall and in part in the ani- mal house located across the campus near the power plant. This arrangement necessarily means duplication of work ané equipreut, and unavoidably r2- duces efficiency. Since the department aas oniy one small lecture roon the larger classes must meet in other rooms or in other buildings, making use of illustrative materials almost impossible. The animal house itself is small, necessitating duplication of offor’ through numerous class s@c- tions at various hours. The housing for animais is inadequate. Room is also needed for special types of work, snd for study and research for staff members. Quarters in Frank Strong Hall vac:ted by physiology could be as- signed to the School of Business, thus relioving their space problems. Cost. The laboratory building outlined above and designed to accommo~ date the School of Pharmacy and an eventual enterirg medical class of 100, under generally accepted teaching st.ndards, would have 170,000 square feet of floor space. The cost, including equipment, is estimated at about one and one-quarter million dollars. ah >, EXTENSION TO LIBRARY STACK The Watson Library Book Stack, which was inadequate to shelve the book collection when it was built fourteen years ago, has a capacity of 121,000 volumes. Shelving in the reading rooms and emergency stacks set in the middle of corridors have raised the capacity of the whole building to 175,000 volumes. The Problem Catalogued books on campus... + + «+ + 285,000 Stock of Science Bulletins, Catalogues, Duplicates .. . é* oe Total to be shelved ee a ae 300 ,000 Shelving capacity of the Campus... . 222,000 Bock WP ck ee 78 ,000 Gtorace OOM « 6s Fae 50 000 Books unprovided for... +. ++ ++ es 28 ,000 Shelving Capacity Watson Library Stack (6 x 20,000) . ... +. « « 120,000 Room and corridor shelving... . 55,000 Bicies POOR sc es tes + + BO Bab Deameee* capacity « «ts 47,900 Motel Gepeeity wt th 2/2,000 Total books on Campus ...-++.++-+5-s 300 ,009 Books without shelving ....-+++< +s 28 ,000 Annual increase in books .....+ +. 9,000 The surplus books are being handled in various ways: 1. Placed on temporary shelves in public corridors, exposed to theft. 2. Turned down in stacks to enable more shelves to be place. in case. 3. Placed in the sub-basement where: the books are dever.or: ating from damp and mould. 4. Placed in cartons and stored in the attic and rendered not available to the public. 5. Shelved in one of the staff toilet rooms. 6. All unnecessary dimlicntes heve been eliminatec. No storage space is available elsewhere on the campus. The Results This overcrowding of the book collection produces the following bad results: 1. As over 36,000 volumes are shelved out of their regular order, from the sub-basement to the attic, the service to the public is slowing up each year. 5 2. This dislocation of books makes it much more difficult for graduate stu- dents to carry on their research. e° Valuable books are exposed to destruction by mould, mutilation, and theft. . When a new set of books is bought much shifting must be done to make space, or some older books are removed to the attic. 5. Watson Library cannot relieve the crowded conditions in the branch li- braries. Were there adequate shelf space the older material could be moved back to the main library. 6. In its present crowded condition it is impossible for the library to attract the gifts or the bequests of the valuable collections of books that now exist in this area. It is impossible to promise any prospec- tive donor that his gift will be given even decent, not to say digni- fied treatment. This is a very important point to a University Library for most of the libraries of this type depend on collectors ami rich donors for their outstanding treasures. 7. The library's book appropriation should be increased to bring the Uni- versity's collection in line with those of other Universities in this area but it is useless to do so until there is assurance that the books can be made available. 8. The overcrowded condition of the library is being made worse at the rate of 9,000 volumes per year. Without stack relief no administrative skill can prevent the condition becoming more chaotic. Books without shelves cannot be preserved or found when wanted. Storage Room During the year 1937-'38 a room was excavated under the Basement Reading Room. The presence of five pier-footings 8 feet square greatly reduces the actual storage capacity of the space. Careful planning pro- vides storage space for about 50,000 volumes. The room can be used only for books rarely needed as its center is 75 feet distant fromthe eleva- tor. The danger from damp and mould to books stored here is still to be determined. This storage space will be taken up within a year with the library's surplus books and newspaper files plus the little used sets that will be brought in to give shelf relief to the crowded departmental libraries. This storage room, while a welcome addition, does not attempt to solve the stack problem of Watson Library. Active books to be effective must be placed in stacks where they are readily accessible to students. An addition to the stacks continuing the floor levels is the only solution. Use of Library Watson Library is used by all the students excepting those in the Law and Engineering Schools. Eliminating these, the library last year served over 4500, including more than 300 graduate students. It provides service 14 hours a day. During the year 1937-'38 the library issued 315,090 books to stu- dents and faculty. Suggested Remedy The library stack at the rear of Watson Library should be extended 70 feet to the West in conformity with the original building plans and this structure (70 feet by 50 feet) should be filled to half its capacity with steel stacks. This will provide at once additional shelf space for 210,000 volumes, and as this fills stacks can be added to bring the capac- ity up to 420,000 volumes. This construction which will extend the pres- ent stack floors is the only way in which the active book collection can be made readily accessible to the students. The rough plan for this extension was approved by the state archi- tect in 1932. The construction cost for the outer walls, footings, and one half the steel stack should be estimated at $160,000. x * eR 3. INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH In recent years the need has been recognized for a building to house the departments of Geology, Chemical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering, the Geological Survey, and the testing laboratories of the departments of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. Two reasons exist for the building: first, to centralize the campus services most interested in the industrial development of the State; and second, to provide adequate quarters for these activities, both for teaching and research since the former is greatly hampered and the latter virtually impossible under pres- ent conditions. Citizens of the State are showing an awakened interest in indus- trial development, as shown specifically by the two industrial tours of the East condutted by the State Chambet of Commerce, the {nereasing calls by Kansas industries on the University for assistance on research problems, and several meetings in the past biennium in whith the necessity for in- dustrial research has been the keynote. The value of fostering industrial research in Kansas is apparent when one recalls that the value of mineral production in the state in 1937 was $156,000,000. The location of research headquarters at the Uni- versity is quite logical because of the existence of well-developed and recognized departments interested in .n1 already contributing to problems affecting Kansas industry. New industries, such as rock wool and clay products, have resulted during the past biennium from activities of one department alone, the Geological Survey. Mention should be made also of the increasing enrollment in the University departments which have something to contribute to industrial research. The tie-uw» between classroom and industrial research is highly desirable, for in this way men can be trained in Kansas to serve better the Kansas industries. Geological Survey. The State Geological Survey, now housed in a frame annex at the rear of Haworth Hall, is unable to meet the demands made upon -7- it due to lack of working space. Space is needed for laboratories, storage, and offices. The survey lacks laboratory space for carrying on research into the utilization of the mineral raw materials of Kansas, such as clay, chalk, chats, glass sands; molding sands, and other materials. Storage space is needed for the enormous and constantly increasing collection of well cores and cuttings which are essential to a study of the deeper po- tential oil-bearing formations of the state. Space provided a year ago under the Hoch Auditorium is completely utilized. Adequate office space is needed for the staff to prepare their maps and write their reports. Geology. The department of Geology is located in Haworth Hall. Due to increasing enrollment, the present lecture rooms and laboratories have been insufficient for several years. In addition, there is no space available in which valuable collections of minerals, rocks ani fossils can be effic- iently stored. Petroleum Engineering. Probably no branch of engineering is growing more rapidly or shows more promise of utilization in Kansas than Petroleum Engineering. Petroleum engineering, established as a new department only a year ago, has already greatly outgrown the limited quarters assigned to it. There is every indication that the initial enrollment of 44 students, which was considerably greater than was anticipated, will continue to grow rapidly. The need for additional quarters is acute. Absolutely no more space is available, but double the present. space mst be provided in the immediate future if the department is to serve adequately even the present enrollment. Quarters and facilities for research are, of course, addition- al needs. Chemical Engineering. The work in Chemical engineering is given in the basement and sub-basement of the Bailey Chemical Laboratories in quarters that are obviously inadequate ani are badly needed by Chemistry. In ad- dition, the installation of high pressure equipment and distillation ap- paratus has greatly increased the fire hazard to the building. For this © reason alone chomical engineering should be housed in a fireproof modern building, preferably in a wing of a new building. The student enrollment has increased from 79 in 1933 to 167 in 1937. Present quarters are inadequate for the current enrollment, for install- ation of much needed additional laboratory equipment, or for research quarters. ; ‘Inasmuch as certain phases of the oil industry are closely connected with chemical engincering, the department should be housed in the same building with petroleum engineering for research purposes. Testing Laboratories. At present most of the testing laboratories of the School of Engineering and Architecture are located in the basement of Marvin Hall in quarters needed for lecture, office, and conference rooms. The laboratories are of necessity noisy or dusty, or both, and for this reason reduce the efficiency of teaching in the building. These laboratories have a vital place in a research program, and — for this reason should be readily accessible to a staff working on any industrial problem. Their location in the industrial research building would seem highly desirable, and would not decrease their effective use , in teaching. fie Summary. Estimates indicate that about 75,000 square feet of floor space are needed in an industrial research building. The cost of such a building, excluding equipment, is estimated at $300,000. Preliminary studies and sketches are now under way and it is hoped that more definite information and plans will be available within a few weeks. eee * & 4. COMPLETION OF DYCHE MUSEUM The completion of Dyche Museum at the earliest possible date is highly desirable from the point of view both of the public and the teach- ing departments. The building has been closed and the exhibits have been stored since the state authorities closed the building on December 1, 1932, as a safety measure on account of structural defects. New reinforced floors were constructed and steel supporting beams were installed in 1933 by virtue of a legislative appropriation of $25,000 and a PWA grant of $10,000. The legislature of 1937 appropriated $55,000 with which to complete the work, the expectation being that a PWA grant of about $45,000 would supplement the appropriation. By the time the appropriation became available all PWA funds had been encumbered, so while the application for a grant was approved there were no funds to meet it. After months of delay in anticipation of funds being forthcoming, a contract was finally awarded by the State Business Manager for as much of the completion as the appropriation permitted. As the contract was nearing completion word was received that PWA funds were available for the project. The fact that part of the reconstruction was already under way through state funds alone seemed to bar the project from consideration on a PWA basis, but the earlier application was renewed immediately with the hope that approval might possibly come from Washington. To date, no favorable word has been received, and hope for any Federal assistance is slight. The estimated cost of completing the reconstruction is $35,000. This includes finishing the top floor and part of the basement, install- ation of some display case glass, construction of cases on the top floor and in part of the basement, and installation of all lighting fixtures, most of which are relatively expensive. BUSINESS The enrollment in courses offered by the School of Business has’ been such as to make highly desirable a building of its own. The credit hour load of the School in 1937-'38, for the 9-months term only, was 16,566, an increase of 74 per cent over 1932-'33. Present quarters are seriously inadequate. The five classrooms in Frank Strong Hall allocated to the department are far from sufficient; rooms for 45 per cent of the classes must be found in other buildings on the campus at hours whenever rooms are free. As to office space, 25 men are now crowded into rooms suited to accommodate not more than 14 or 15. Under such conditions teach- ing efficiency is often affected, and conference with students is carried on with great difficulty. Office space for study and research does not exist. The Placement Bureau has no separate quarters. The only suitable space for interviews of students by company representatives is the dean's office, which means that work of that office is continually disrupted. No relief is possible until another building is erected on the cam-~ pus. The suggestion of the Dean is that a building 150 feet by 60 feet, five stories high, be constructed for the School of Business and the social sciences, all of which are crowded for class space. The alternative is relatively simple if the State can build the proposed Medical Science build- ing and the Fine Arts building. The quarters vacated by these departments in Frank Strong Hall would, after remodeling, adequately and satisfactorily provide for the needs of Business as well as leave space for much needed relief for several administrative offices. No figure is available on the cost of this remodeling, but an esti- mated amount of $25,000 is suggested. se» ew we * SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND OREAD TRAINING SCHOOL SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Adequate equipment and a proper environment for modern teacher training are not now provided at the University. The headquarters of the School of Education are located in hampered conditions in Fraser Hall where only two classrooms are assigned to the department. Besides this remarkable shortage of classrooms, all facilities for professional work and services are either limited or neglected altogether. These facilities in brief are: 1. Laboratories a. Educational clinic work has a beginning in a few small basement rooms entirely unfit to meet the need. Adequate rooms with mod- ern equipment for this work are not possible in the present building. bd. Curriculum revision (a piece of work for the state schools; the state leaders are seeking a center for the work in the state institutions) has the limited space of one small room. A library, ~if- work rooms, and conference rooms of many times the present amount of space must be available before the service can be rendered in a satisfactory manner. c. Space for visual aid equipment and its demonstration is inade- guate at present. There is a great need for storage space, dis- play rooms, and facilities for demonstration of all forms of modern aids to teaching. d. Remedial teaching has to be done in made-over basement rooms or rooms subject to the schedule of classes. There is urgent need for space and equipment sufficient to meet the demands. Several schools on the campus are wanting the School of Education to car- ry on the program inaugurated. The service is growing immensely each year. e. Office Space a. Office space for the professional staff is at a premium. The crowded conditions and the makeshift or made-over rooms are limit- ing the counsel services of professors to students and patrons. bd. Conference rooms for private conversations and committee activi- ties are unknown to the department. c. Quarters for the advisor to students are important, but at pres- ent this office is only partially provided for. It is necessary to have sufficient office space and furnishings so that clerical help, equipment peculiar to the service, and rooms for private counsel can be properly coordinated into a working unit for service. d. The teachers appointment bureau needs ample space and special equip- ment for serving the student and public. There have been several shifts in office space made in recent years with the hope of find- ing better quarters. The head of the department has a small of- fice area, but no conference rooms. He has to go out and hunt a quiet corner to serve a client who asks for an interview with the prospective teacher. : 3. Display Rooms a. Space for regular and special display of school furniture and teaching equipment is an essential if the department is to serve the public and the young people in training. At present there are no display rooms. b. A room for storing and displaying blueprints for school buildings is the best way to insure accurate and efficient service to ad- -ministrators and school boards seeking counsel on building plans. This service is hard to render under the present arrangements. 4, Bureau of School Service and Research This department is now located in a made-over classroom. It isa makeshift arrangement for a division that needs library space, cleri- cal offices, counsel tables, and private office space. 5. Library Rooms (supplementary to the main library) Education courses are very dependent upon up-to-date reading material. ohn Much of the reading matter is selected by the professor and used on reserve charges. The modern equipment provides these reading fac- ilities in conjunction with the instruction unit fn the building. The common practice is for each school to have its own library fac- ilities. There should be a commodious apartment for this special library. THE TRAINING SCHOOL The training school is a unit of the School of Education. Its main divisions consist of a student body of high school pupils, a teaching fac- ulty for the high school, and a supervising corps in charge of the educa- tional laboratory work done in the school. The chief function of the school is to provide practice teaching facilities for University students who ex- pect to be certificated for teaching in Kansas and other states. Schools of this type are often called laboratory schools for the reason that they are the laboratories wherein the cadet is taught how to teach. Supposedly, the best of conditions prevail and the best practices are demonstrated. Oread Training School with its limited number of one hundred high school pupils represents this training school unit in the University. The limitations in equipment and school facilities are so numerous that the school exists almost entirely on temporary arrangements. Only under rig- orous, emergency conditions would any community put up with arrangements for a school similar to those under which the campus high school is con- ducted. This school carries on thus: 1. Plant a. The only building available is a small five room building with a finished attic of two rooms. The structure is often mistaken for a private dwelling. Inadequate to meet the needs in every detail is the only way to describe this plant. bd. Classrooms for several departments of the high school are lecated in all parts of the campus each hour of the day. This school has to share in the crowded conditions prevalent in the larger ins- titution. c. Auditoriums and other extracurricular facilities are complctely wanting. Plays, assemblies, concerts, and all forms of special group activities suffer curtailment, interruptions at crucial times, and often complete abandonment. The teachers and pupils frequently lose heart over disappointments due to a lack of a place to perform. University functions necessarily have first call on all facilitics. d. Library room is not known. Books are stored as best they can be in classrooms. e. Laboratories are limited to one small attic room. f. Office space and conference rooms available for the corps of supervisors are next to nothing. The corner of one of the small classrooms is as near to a place of privacy as a supervisor can find to counsel with the cadet teachers he is coaching. Group oj] 2- meetings are possible only when classrooms are available. 2. Gourse of Study ~ a. Gourse offerings are necessarily jimited under the conditions that prevail. Shop courses, commercial courses, and mechanics of all forms are not offered. A college preparatory course is the only offering and all pupils are enrolled in it. b. Music is offered, although it is necessary to rent rooms off the campus. It is next to impossible to find room facilities for group organizations. c. Athletics is limited to what can be done with the University equipment. This is, of course, borrowed material and available only when the University people are at ease. The one-thirty hour, a most unfavorable time, is the period usually assigned to Oread Training School. 3. Organization The principles of modern school organization are difficult to put into practice unier the present circumstances. This student body is swallowed up by the University populace. Instead of being con- fined to one building where corporate life could be developed, the common life which the pupils must have with the older students makes it difficult to hold the high school child's interest in his own school organization. The University administration believes that the high school should have a plant unit of its own and that the high school students should have a school life separate from the University student body. SUMMARY The School of Education needs a new building of a two unit type; one unit or wing prepared to meet the needs of the School of Education and the other unit or wing built to house a modern training school of two or three hundred high school pupils. This building should have an audi¢ torium with a seating capacity of three hundred. There should be a swimm- ing pool ani a gymnasium each large enough to accommodate both units. Many divisions in each wing should be constructed to meet the special needs of the departments occupying them. Laboratories, conference rooms, display rooms and work rooms, all of particular design, besides adequate classrooms are parts of every well-equipped teacher training institution. The Uni- versity of Missouri has built recently a modern, educational plant of the two wing type suggested above. The cost price was $350,000. ENGINEERING SHOPS The present Engineering shops are located in Fowler Shops, situated near the middle of the campus and some distance east of the other engineer- ing buildings. The quarters are fairly adequate, but a location nearer the other engineering laboratories is desirable. In addition the shop ar- rangement should be modernized and modern direct drive motors should re- place the present overhead belt drive system which is complicated, anti- quated, and dangerous. It is estimated that a satisfactory building would cost $150,000. In the event that a new machine shop building is erected the present Fowler shops could with a small amount of remodeling be turned over to journalism. The location of Fowler shops is almost ideal for journalism, and the building with its ample windows is admirably fitted to needs of a journalism department. Sufficient space is in the building to provide quarters for all the needs of the department and its related activities. The present quarters of journalism are in the old chemistry build- ing, which was erected in 1883 and which is now in need of extensive re- pairs costing several thousand dollars and including rebuilding of the south walls. Aside from this the building is unsatisfactory for several reasons} 1. Limited classroom space, only two rooms being available; 2. Poor construction, letting in dust and snow and cold and making heating unsatisfactory; 3. No reading facilities except the newsroom where typewriters are always going; 4. Entirely inadequate to handle the annual sessions of the Kansas High School Newspaper Conferences and the Kansas Editors Roundtable Conferences; 5. Insufficient room for the journrlism press, which should in every way be a model for the printing industry of the state; 6. Inadequate quarters for the stenographic bureau; 7. Insufficient space for the University Daily Kansan, now in its 28th year as a daily newspaper; $. No quarters for professional journalistic societies and other campus publications; 9. Unsatisfactory quarters for a photographic laboratory; 10. Inadequate office space for the staff; ll. No conference rooms; 12. No storage space. The department of journalism is a pioneer. It is a charter member of the Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism. The depart- ment has 100 majors, and as many more students from other departments take work in journalism. all~ THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS The School of Fine Arts since 1922 has occupied practically the complete south side of the center section of Frank Strong Hall--on four floors, plus all the space on both east ami west wings on the fourth floor, with four rooms on the north side of the central section (fourth floor) as well. A new Fine Arts Building, placed probably on the western side of the campus, would release all this space for administrative of- fices and classwork in other schools. With the steady growth in the school, every inch of available space has been utilized to carry on overflow classes in art and music. Studios have been divided to allow for needed office space and conference rooms. In the Department of Design, not only has all room been utilized but the corridors have been partitioned off for the placing of looms, student lockers, and exhibition space, and certain corners in the corri- dors this year are being built into rooms for storage of materials. Much the same situation exists in the Department of Drawing ani Painting, lo- cated in the east wing of the building. Two rooms in Hoch Auditorium are being utilized now for music practice rooms. One member of the music fac- ulty has no studio for private lessons. | The assignment of the School to these quarters from the very first was understood to be a temporary one. The partitions in practically all the studios leading out into the main corridors on first and second floors were made of the lichtest kind of paper board, allowing almost all the sounds to permeate the whole corridor. No soundproof construction what- ever was placed in the walls of the twenty practice rooms on the third floor. The result is that work of the other departments and classrooms is necessarily disturbed and hindered. About ten years ago when a regular buildins program was under con- sideration, the School of Fine Arts building stood near the top of the list. At the suggestion of the Board of Regents, the Fine Arts building took a lower position on the program in order to allow the medical building first place. The depression has necessarily caused postponement of the program up to this time. Zype of Building Needed. The School of Fine Arts needs a building capable of taking care of the oufstanding work being done in music and art. The building should be one calculated not only to house adequately the university program in the fine arts, but also the building in itself should be a shrine or state center for the best expression of the fine arts. Such a building should be of the latest soundproof construction. The music department should have at least 20 private studios, 30 practice rooms (at least six of which should be equipped with grand pianos to per- mit the right kind of practice in the last two years of the many talented graduates in this field), 6 large classrooms for music Classes, a listen- ing room for radio 2nd phonographic reproductions in music, large and ade- quate rehearsal rooms for the glee clubs ami other choral and instrumental groups, a sizeable department library room for study ani the housing of hun- dreds of music scores and musical literature, and adequate and roomy admin- istrative offices. The whole building should be planned around a ground- floor auditorium to seat about 1500 people, a size hall now greatly needed ~15- not only by music but by other university interests as well. This hall with concert stage should be completely equipped with overhead "grid" for the handling of operas, operettas, certain road shows and chamber music attractions for which the large Hoch Auditorium is too large and the other halls on the campus too small. On the upper floor ample space should be provided for at least nine large classrooms and studios for the Department of Design and some eight studios and classrooms for the Department of Drawing and Painting. Cost. The estimated cost of a building to serve adequately present needs and provide for expansions that are sure to come is $300,000 to $350,000. xe oe *& % GYMNASIUM Robinson gymnasium was erected in 1906 when the enrollment at Law- rence was about 1400. Wo now have on the campus at Lawrence about 4400 students, or more than four times as many as in 1906. And the number of women students at Lawrence in 1937-'38 exceeded slightly the total enroll- ment of 1906! These figures should indicate in a general way the inadequacy of the present gymnasium plant in providing quarters for physical education and recreation. The building must accommodate the athletic department, the physical education staff for men and women, the intramural recreational quarters, the academic classes in physical education, the varsity and fresh- man basketball practice, teaching training in physical education and ath- letics for the Oread Training School and all indoor intramural sports. The built ing is in use must of the school year from 8:30 in the morning straight through until nearly midnight, too late for the best considerations of stu- dent health. But it cannot be otherwise if the present schedule is to con- tinue. Everyone in the building is crowded--and there is no provision for faculty use of the facilities. The remedy to this acute situation--it is estimated that more dif- ferent students by far are affected by this building through classes and intramural sports than by any other building--is the construction of a separate gymnasium for women and minor remodeling of the present gymnasi- um to adapt it better to needs of the men. The building proposed would provide adequate classrooms, physical and corrective exercise rooms, recreational rooms, game courts, three social meeting quarters, a seventy-five foot swimming pool with standard equipment, a studio and stage for dancing classes, adequate locker space, dressing booths, and shower baths, The present gymnasium could be re- modeled at a cost of only a few thousand dollars to provide fairly ade- quately facilities for the rooms for classes in physical education, offices of men's instructional and intramural staffs, exercise and competition rooms and courts, etc. Intramural recreation and competitive sports could then be held in the afternoons, when they should be held, instead of late at night. And there would be some opportunity for faculty to make use of the facilities. wi f< Few, if any, state universities have gymnasium facilities so in- adequate as hans Kansas. The Kansas plant was adequate 32 years ago. It should be enlarged to 2ccommodate the present day enrollment on modern standards. Only then can the teaching be effective, and can the depart- ment of physical education hope to approach its goal of every student playing his favorite sport or game. **e eK JOURNALISM See page 1. August 4, 1958~ tre May! Tichsla, ane e ee. Chaneclior’s Office. . | : Dear lire Nichols: Dean Stockton, as chairman of a special camittes appointed — by the Athletic Board, requested that I suteit te him complete data concerning the plent needs of physicel educations — I listed | not have a soparate building for the physical edueation and res i ereational needs of the wonen studentse : ! 1% ssourt ie sulsies tics kdl lke eel aaa bata building for women, with ea fulsome and comprehensive programs Colorado, Nebrasim, Iowa State have such buildings, and possibly Oklahom., I am not sure about that. 1 en sending you a copy ef the letter I wote tsa Stockton of education has been inmaucurated, which necessi« / ee ee ee our is more than over~ ee ee an Gee oak ee te ter ee Oe ia then ea very ve remodeling progrem can make this ideal for _ mats ieee Gutiaktohe LUNES far sania hgndenh ohupethon and les letics then it is for womens darts, deck tennis, shuffleboard, and tennis. I will, of cor _ appreciate Fret ts hae hon Bo whey ty ty hem net , -. Very 83 Se sa ony oe ware Dasha ona a THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF. . October 35 1938 THE CHANCELLOR Dr. F. C, Allen University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: This wijl acknowledge receipt of your recommenda~ tions concerning a women's, building and other improvements. It is perhaps too late to include the women's building in the present list, but there may be time later. I am glad to have your recommendations for our files. Cordially yours, Chancellor