it due to lack of working space. Space is needed for laboratories, storage, and offices. The survey lacks laboratory space for carrying on research into the utilization of the mineral raw materials of Kansas, such as clay, chalk, chats, glass sands; molding sands, and other materials. Storage space is needed for the enormous and constantly increasing collection of well cores and cuttings which are essential to a study of the deeper po- tential oil-bearing formations of the state. Space provided a year ago under the Hoch Auditorium is completely utilized. Adequate office space is needed for the staff to prepare their maps and write their reports. Geology. The department of Geology is located in Haworth Hall. Due to increasing enrollment, the present lecture rooms and laboratories have been insufficient for several years. In addition, there is no space available in which valuable collections of minerals, rocks ani fossils can be effic- iently stored. Petroleum Engineering. Probably no branch of engineering is growing more rapidly or shows more promise of utilization in Kansas than Petroleum Engineering. Petroleum engineering, established as a new department only a year ago, has already greatly outgrown the limited quarters assigned to it. There is every indication that the initial enrollment of 44 students, which was considerably greater than was anticipated, will continue to grow rapidly. The need for additional quarters is acute. Absolutely no more space is available, but double the present. space mst be provided in the immediate future if the department is to serve adequately even the present enrollment. Quarters and facilities for research are, of course, addition- al needs. Chemical Engineering. The work in Chemical engineering is given in the basement and sub-basement of the Bailey Chemical Laboratories in quarters that are obviously inadequate ani are badly needed by Chemistry. In ad- dition, the installation of high pressure equipment and distillation ap- paratus has greatly increased the fire hazard to the building. For this © reason alone chomical engineering should be housed in a fireproof modern building, preferably in a wing of a new building. The student enrollment has increased from 79 in 1933 to 167 in 1937. Present quarters are inadequate for the current enrollment, for install- ation of much needed additional laboratory equipment, or for research quarters. ; ‘Inasmuch as certain phases of the oil industry are closely connected with chemical engincering, the department should be housed in the same building with petroleum engineering for research purposes. Testing Laboratories. At present most of the testing laboratories of the School of Engineering and Architecture are located in the basement of Marvin Hall in quarters needed for lecture, office, and conference rooms. The laboratories are of necessity noisy or dusty, or both, and for this reason reduce the efficiency of teaching in the building. These laboratories have a vital place in a research program, and — for this reason should be readily accessible to a staff working on any industrial problem. Their location in the industrial research building would seem highly desirable, and would not decrease their effective use , in teaching. fie