>, EXTENSION TO LIBRARY STACK The Watson Library Book Stack, which was inadequate to shelve the book collection when it was built fourteen years ago, has a capacity of 121,000 volumes. Shelving in the reading rooms and emergency stacks set in the middle of corridors have raised the capacity of the whole building to 175,000 volumes. The Problem Catalogued books on campus... + + «+ + 285,000 Stock of Science Bulletins, Catalogues, Duplicates .. . é* oe Total to be shelved ee a ae 300 ,000 Shelving capacity of the Campus... . 222,000 Bock WP ck ee 78 ,000 Gtorace OOM « 6s Fae 50 000 Books unprovided for... +. ++ ++ es 28 ,000 Shelving Capacity Watson Library Stack (6 x 20,000) . ... +. « « 120,000 Room and corridor shelving... . 55,000 Bicies POOR sc es tes + + BO Bab Deameee* capacity « «ts 47,900 Motel Gepeeity wt th 2/2,000 Total books on Campus ...-++.++-+5-s 300 ,009 Books without shelving ....-+++< +s 28 ,000 Annual increase in books .....+ +. 9,000 The surplus books are being handled in various ways: 1. Placed on temporary shelves in public corridors, exposed to theft. 2. Turned down in stacks to enable more shelves to be place. in case. 3. Placed in the sub-basement where: the books are dever.or: ating from damp and mould. 4. Placed in cartons and stored in the attic and rendered not available to the public. 5. Shelved in one of the staff toilet rooms. 6. All unnecessary dimlicntes heve been eliminatec. No storage space is available elsewhere on the campus. The Results This overcrowding of the book collection produces the following bad results: 1. As over 36,000 volumes are shelved out of their regular order, from the sub-basement to the attic, the service to the public is slowing up each year. 5