\ ‘Women’s Gym \ Proposed for Campus Project of Women’s Building Already Given Some Attention as Preliminary Architectural Drawings Have Been Prepared When the special committee of the University athletic board begins its study next fall of needed improvements in the plant devoted to athletics and physical training, it will find the department of physical education ready to urge the erection of a woman’s gymnasium, or rather a women’s activities building. Claims for a field house, or more@=— practice fields or tennis courts will be presented, and with them will be the project of a woman’s building. Already the project has been given sufficient study to result in an outline of the enterprise, and to have pre- liminary architectural drawings pre- pared. “There are as many women in the University now as there were of both men and women when Robinson gymnasium was erected,” said Dr. F. C. Allen, chairman of the department of physical education. “By erection of a woman’s building, the présent gymnasium would be released for the general exercise and physical educa- tion program of the University.” Miss Ruth Hoover, in charge of women’s athletic activities, outlines objectives of a woman’s building to provide more sports-than-now~—pos-— sible, notably archery, bowling, and the like. By additional gymnasium | space it would be possible for the women to have their intramural in- door games in the afternoon (at 4:30) instead of having to divide time with , the men, and often schedule games for late evening hours. Miss Hoover visualizes a gymna- sium with class rooms, corrective | rooms, a dance studio with stage; roofs fitted like steamer decks for badminton, darts, deck tennis, shuf- felboard and tennis; a lounge with kitchenette to provide study room, and a place for teas, parties, commit- tee and club meetings. “This building, with our excellent outdoor playing facilities, will afford the women of Kansas one of the most complete instructional, recreational, and social plants in the country,” she says. Tentative sketches have been pre- pared for the proposed building by James Bounds, a student working Continued on page 3