UNITED STATES TREASURY WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE : ; Seventh War Loan Drive 4 Mae, [ering 1946 es ’ vo. anal Tatcanep (Name of purchaser’s bank) Bi ae dy (Address of bank) Please enter subscription of the undersigned for the following United States Government securities: (Designate by check mark the issue desired. Use a sepa- rate form for each issue purchased.) . _2%% Treasury Bonds of 1967-72 “ U.S. War Savings Bonds, Series E “* —__.2%% Treasury Bonds of 1959-62 U.S. Savings Bonds, Series F ‘ ____1%% Treasury Bonds of 1950 ___U. S. Savings Bonds, Series G (Offered only to individuals) ; i pat th Treasury Savings Notes, Series C ___% % Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Series E-1946 The undersigned hereby orders $ : (face amount) of the securities specified hereon. Herewith is check, drawn to the order of the bank addressed, covering the full purchase price, including accrued interest, if any, as e : 2 follows: Issue price $........ LS OF occ , accrued interest $....... Lo pei x abe a Brugict per ahare bark Ty Direetions for Denominations x Number of Pieces Denominations Registration Instructions @ Instructions with reference to registering the securities, if they @ are to be issued in registered form, @ appear on the reverse side hereof. Delivery of the securities is to be made to the undersigned at the address shown hereon, unless other instructions are given on the reverse side hereof. ae Cie A Ate ee ah (Print name of su ber. State whether corporation, co-partnership or other organization.) (Subscriber’s signature) _ (Building or street address) “(City) (County) (State) (Credit—Organization or Team) (Solicitor) (Solicitor—Detach & deliver to bank addressed, unless otherwise instructed by Committee Chairman.) WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE—MEMORANDUM Name of Purchaser 7 Issue Address : ii MNROI Date (Credit—Organization or Team) (Solicitor) (Solicitor should deliver to Committee Chairman or Captain, as instructed.) PURCHASER’S MEMORANDUM RECEIPT Received from : | an order for $ (face amount) of the following issue of United States securities: | savteneen. sorts: together with check for $...... = | payable to the bank to which such order is addressed. Date (Solicitor)