tbs Sc tu Gabe | Anderson Photo Company 912 Grand Avenue Kensas City, lissourd Dear Andy: Tt wis swell of you to send me this fine photograph. I having it framed and giving it « aheice location in my private o I expect to send the bill to Oswild Tower, editor of the Rules Guide, and I am sure that you will got a check in due course of tinds : % ofer is noua 4c tte phate, | Gan yes ae ee ful jobe See qesigag ermecyt diary mage cet igthoee area bolmny is absolutely the best picture I have ever soon of Dre Nalanithe Yess I renenber wien The Star used it but there is something about your — yhatageh Sue He paper G86 net sepwodinns “With thanks to you, I amy | Director of Mhysicel Bhoation ond Recreation FCAslg : Varsity Basketball Coach