Army Service Forces Office of The Surgeon General washinston 25, D.C. 13 April 1944 Director, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: The office of The Surgeon General is interes = sd in securir: &3 @00n as possible the names of two groups of m 1, A number of well trained, thoroughly comoetent shysical éducators, who are now in the Army are needed for officers in the Reconditioning Program of this office. e could use the names of a few civilians of like caliber who, in the beginning, would be willine to accept commissions of not higher thar captain, These men should possess the following qualifications: 1, They should be graduates in physical education, 2. They should be well grounded in the oasic biological sciences, especially anatony, Kinesiology and physiology of exercise. 3. They should } men of good leadership, %,. They should be good administrators. 5. They should be men of a quality that would he comudi« serate with a civilian salary of #2800, 2, We are also in need of the names of enlisted men who have majored in physical education, have leadership, are inte! ligent, and have some teaching experience, Men who have had two or three years of college are acceptable if the qualifications are otherwise gocd. They must be men of some maturity -~ we cannot use twenty year-olds, unless they are otherwise exceptionally mature. We would appreciate it very much if you would send us at your very earliest convenience names of such men, with @ shor’. resume of their qualifications, Yor nen now im the Avmy, if possib ¢,. pave vank and addrese. If you do not know the address, give the last Army address you heave, or “he the heme address, Jf possible, give the orecrigetion attached, The work for which these men are r important and urgent, hence ty sequest fer 4 Would you piease send it sir mali? the duphiseted letter; ins numbers to bea om we are covrmaivation and its urgency prevent personal typing- Sincerely wours ot é Ll if b ihe ee. Cor EY : igh o 4. Met: fa Miviliarn Consultant to The Surssorn Genera! Rec eras toning Divisior nosndi ke wid an nee! othe dvr geo Fee PAu. is x » 1318 Bachington 26. HOS. | Ratt Tae Eerirtinn fen jres Zia? | Ti ioe a (G02. 0 3A-OF oe —— — ard ek te Lee vere ae | Mr. Ed Abels, Editor, Douglas County Republican, 1005 Mass. St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Hd: For over a year I have been writing a Jayhawk Rebounds each month to our boys in the service, and I thought you might like to see the one we are just now mailing out. I got this conception from my experiences after the first World War. I came to the campus on September 15, 1919, and saw dear old Uncle Jimmy Green, who said, "Well, Phog, I am glad to see youe I om glad to see you here at the University. I promised my boys when they went overseas that I would wait for them, and I am waiting until they return, and when they get back my job is happily finished." when the boys went away this time I was too old to enter service, but I thought I could render those boys a genuine service by keeping them informed as to the whereabouts of their buddies. Bach month I have tried to appraise them of the activities and whereabouts of their Jayhawker friends. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. — A/S James B. Arnold, A/S Robert C. Roucve, S17th C.7.D. Squadron 4 (ALrorex), Corbin Hall <- Flight 5, Montana State University, Missoula, Montana. Dear Jim and Robert: _L,tipaeay ah to apogee to zou lye for nt enmering your comumication of April 6th sooner. Chu Pahriecirg Wh, 208%, 1 wemnmnentel eliataiaeh tone fas weratiag Lunes: The mun recommeded, besides the first ten thet I an sending ae EE a, ie es a a, ao a eS in the service most prompt ly my ervor in this regard. I trust this gives you the infermtion you desire. With all rood wishes, T om Simerely yours, COLLEGE TRAINING DETACHMENT (AIRCREW) MONTANA STATE: UNIVERSITY MIsSSOULA,MONTANA Dear Sir: In order to settle a personal friendly argument amoung a few Aviation Students, we were wondering if it would be possible for you to send us the list of the first 10 men on the Kansas University basketball teams of 1941 - 42 - 43. We hope this does not cause you too much inconvience and would appreciate it very much, oe yours, a ly GLt Z Cfuse mH, Arne la Robert C. Reeve mst a, ~~ a \ “A “A A vw 4) iy F Z : i a fo when’ he went up John is really hitting 'em he MASSA AN / Afire and railroad T was greatly amused in regaré to your free throw ability, Boy, he made up would always silently help Navy, After seeing John Krun's address in your “Rebdoand" rf that I wae right next to hie ship in the landings at Salerno, Kansas wen really get Sround. My pride increases as time goes and Kansas Univ, T'll put in a short pa ph about myself while you are no A emall group of us participated in the entire Italian campaign, If per@onally have just returned . beachhead back here to An interesting thing about the during this war where the Germans have been ) long with direct observation, une to air attack, Our office there underground, It formerly was an old w protection from the war activity up on drinker, but those Italians had literal burried under the floor of the grotto. So if one bottle, he would just reach over and See eS m the office and burned two vehicles, two trai and half of ano flour, Would it de> too much trouble to change wy address on the ar, W.R.A., cIe Hge., Allied Force Has +» APO $12, ayo Postmaster New | ‘ Youre mally, — 7 tt. dif $f Ee Ga ae Pe a | O14 Abe Soave svevele os | te ee’ reese ee: oe 9 any 4s pe ee eee baat : lat thigh de i ft WarDen 0, Whew, ph. Po Ek RGR Bay ann om Wulgdt at ayy ut sca a 3 longa ie Ta about JS. ons iad tS la pa a ie Geode tthe xt 20K oft Ea aia —- ey ote eee ze 7 Flee a We Wild keep tie in mind emi encourage eny of our available men to get into this very worthwhile — Sincerely yours, ‘eaiectes of . Physionl sibdeavian, feenaaa Dear Major Recknor: Major Earl F. Recknor, Officer in Charge, _ Army Service Forces, 7 . Kansas City Officer Proourenent Dist., . 500 Porter Building, 34th & Broadway, Kansas City 2, Missouri. { am in receipt of your letter inquiring about men qualified for the Army Physical Reconditioning program. We are calling this to the attention of all our ‘geien’, : Education majors, but have no names to suggest to you other than that of Mr. Howard Porter of Wichita, for whom we re- cently wrote a recommendation. We will keep this in mind and encourages any of our available men to get into this very worthwhile work. f Sincerely yours, _ e Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH _ Varsity Pasketball Coach. August 30, 1944. Mr. He Me Ashley, Kansas City Mantel Co., 1008 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Heinie: After I called you on the phone this morning I talked to Ma. C. G. Bayles, our Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and it seems that he has someone in mind who has a quantity of tile available now. I would suggest that you not plan to come over to Lawrence until you hear from me again. I was trying to divert the job to you, and will get in touch with you after I have talked to Mr. Bayles again. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 2, 1944. Mre He HM. Ashley, Kansas City Tile & Mantel Co., 1008 Oak Street, Kansas City, Moe Dear Heinie: I learn this morning that the job of tiling here in Robinson Gymasium will be throw open to bids, and T would like for you’to come over at your earliest convenience after Labor Day. I was endeavoring to save you any unnecessary tripse The swimming pool expansion project is being revived again, also, and T would like for you to come over and have & conference with our Iir. ©. % Bayles, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and also Mr. Ray Kanehl, swiuaing in- structor in our department. Hope to see you early next week. Sincerely yours, E | Director of Physical Education, PCA :Al : Varsity Basketball Coach. . a Thanks, Phog, for that copy of Rebounds. I enjoyed it a lot. It must mean a lot to the ee boys in camps all over the country. Not enuf of us do that sort of thing. I appreciate your thinking to send me a copy. Sincerely Db Abbe (THIS SIDE OF CARINSIEER ADDRESS : ‘Dr. F.C. Allen K.U. Regular meeting of .Teraev-Liberty Post #14, The American Legion, will be held Thursday evening, August 35, 1944, THIS IS THE ANNUAL ELECTION AND HERE IS THE TICKET GEORGE MARCH COMMANDER BOB LEARNED , PIX MOORE VICE COMMANDER RUSSELL SHAW it i ll BYRON BERRY FINANCE OFFICER it } ‘ REV. BEIL CHAPLIN ARCH OLIVER HISTORIAN | REV. BARR n ROBERT IEE SERGEAN? AT ARMS HENRY FERNER a | ti W. H. PASEWARK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROBERT “LEARNED . .. WALTER MeCLAIN : : The above men are the ones purposed by the two nominating committees appointed by Commander Pasewark. It's a fine bunch of fellows but as usual, it is always your privilege to have other nominations from the floor. We had a chicken dinner once and I attempted to draw a picture of a chicken. It turned out to be the largest crowd we have ever had, I will now attempt to draw the surprise for Thursday night and it's FREE. Everett Stith has promised us when you get the right amount of the above, Allen Crafton will be on hand to lead the singing. IT'S AN HONOR TO BELONG TO THE AMERICAN IEGION. WEAR YOUR BUTTON. H. E. Crcel, Adjutant