THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Octeber 14, 1943 Dear Fellow Worker You can appreciate what a task it is to write an individual letter to each and everyone of you, or even to get you on the telephone and obtain your permission to serve in this very worthy cause, All of us are extremely busy with curricular and extra- curricular activities. But you are one of the busy ones we want to help us, Therefore, I am writing a mimeographed letter to this splendid group of workersy asking you to serve in a most worthy CAUSE yg * ea * DO YOU WEAR A RED FEATHER? This is the significant emblem of your donation to the National War Furd, Please be sure that you wear yours as the first harbinger of a most successful drive. As soon as you are in need of a supply of red feathers for the donors, cali my office, H.U. 83, and a messenger will deliver them te you promptly. *x* * * This is everybedy's job - yours and mine - and I will greatly appreciate this splendid bit of teamwork, IF YOU WERE THERE . « » « YOU'D HELP? a yours, CRE CELIA hairman, peseet Sofiia National War Fund and Community Chest. P.S. IMPORTANT! The Kick-Off Breaktast ter workers will be held at the Eldridge Hotel on Moeday, October 18, at 8 acm, You are welcome at this mnecetinge rlease Make Your Pledge First - Then Wear Your Red Feather$ SET ee Ee |