June 21, 1944. Mr. Harry Warehan, Manhattan, Kensas. Dear Harrys ii bigs iH i ai it With deep appreciation, I au Sintcorely yours, Chairman, Comittee on Program and Exhibits, Deuglas County Fifth War Loan Drive. FPCA:AH Mir. Harry Wareham Manhatten, Kansas Dear Mr. Warchem: Ag a member of the committes on arrangements for the bend rally, I have the pleasure of extending an invitation to you and Mrs. Wershem as well as Lieu- tenant and Mra. David Weybur te be my dinner quests at — 6:80 pum, Cecnday, Tene %. The dinner will be served in the home economics building at Haskell Institute, government school fer Indians, if you drive over, pleese o«11 me when you get to town or proceed to the Haskell campus. If you come by bus or train, please let me know what time you will arrive and I shell be glad to meet you, _ neewely youre, Solon G. Ayers ec: Mr. Dolph Simons Mr. George Hedrick Mr. M. J. Getto Mr. Forrest ¢. Allen” THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LAWRENCE, KANSAS MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE & F. Dok Cc. MEMO PAD Spee etre Im, OFFICERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU. EeUe HAWES REMOVED PeOu SPccTAL eames. cee Alden, £. a oT > * | tester, fs %s * ©@ ve is ; Crafton, 4llon Rloos, % Althous, Cesk. 3n 0O a . ere ” Anderson, 1, (one a Audtiern, a iy 000 Dade, Eg & Laird, 4,00 * | | -m Sara ase, Leonaré B Sa eit: , nevis, Robte uehatr Tatimer, "+ Bs means a | Davis, % , =» taumony Sean Paul U. Paumceartner, Te J. ms, — Bayles, Ce Ge | ee : Pee He. Plint, le My / Boreas Dean Pe Ce E SaREE 2 Paynond : : 0 ee Cardner, bolu o Bert Se = Metier, deka 6, | fe Paden, %. Bradshaw, G5 %, Haines, %» oon Petterson, De is Brewster, Sway @ ae lug Me Poesy, Ceo Je Browy Fe be avy, ek ee a 3 Saymond, Fs Be Buehler, E. 6. ‘Besoler, Ye Burdtek, Ga. L. Hollanda, ‘. “s | : —tusseli, We Be Joti Ho@ds GeO. Je | : Massoll, “. oO ante — _ i Seem 9 ee >. Johes, Dean J, 0% oe ae oe mee Cate Sg nae . » Pe — Mecler, %, ¥, cate, *, Pe aa Teloge, Je Me - Spencer, %. He a (95) Part Waele, we Be fee a trae oe repeats A pet = me SARS He TREASURY DEPARTMENT WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE June 15, 1944 OFFICE OF STATE CHAIRMAN Dear Friends of the University: Less than two weeks ago we Americans underwent a great emotional upsurge. Prayers for our boys went up instantaneously. "Hitler's Fortress Europe is invaded by American troops", was news flashed to us here. We would have done almost anything THEN for their safety. We can do something about it NOW. The 5th War Loan is upon us. The opening Big Gun will be fired from the Haskell Stadium signaling the redl start of the arive. Tuesday, June 20th, at 3 p.m. is the D Date and the H Hour for the Bond Sale-and Auction at Haskell, Please be there. I am sending you a "Which Issue Shall I Buy" to aid you in your selection. An additional blank for you to fill out for your banker's convenience is herewith enclosed. If you desire to give credit for this bond it will be necessary for you to list your purchase with your solicitor. The banks will keep no account of this. The main idea is to buy bonds. From factory to fighting front in 45 days is the present Army timetable for deliveries of the most neoded war materiale "Enough" is not enough - - = more than enough is what our forces must have. The more bonds bought, the more materials spent, the fewer American lives will have to be spent. "Only those are fit to live who are not afraid to die." Bring Our Boys Back With Your Bonds. Sincergly yours, , — Attn e € TREASURY DEPARTMENT WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF STATE CHAIRMAN July 5, 1944 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed is a check for $3.82 to cover the expenses submitted by you on the Bond Auction. Sincerely, whet ce oa 3 dune 17, 1944. Naval Air Base, Olathe, Kansas. Dear Mr. Corns; I am writing you at the suggestion of Major Iman, giving you information the permissible height a plane may be flown over Stadium. The CAA Very cordially yours, June 21, 1944. Mr. George E. Berg, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kensase Dear Mr. Berg: I want you to know that I personally appreciate the outstanding service that you performed = last night's program a success. : Your couperation and courtesy at all times aided me immensely, and I felt you were especially helpful in plamiing and executing this War Bond Rally end Auction. Again, thank you so much. dune 21, 1 944. Your Mr. Berg did one of the most umusual jobs for us in mmy emergencies. His cooperative spirit, his kindly nature end his general helpfulness aided me no end. | Agein thanking you for Uaskell's high standard of neighborly sooperation, I am Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Comittee on Program and Exhibite FCA +AT . Douglas County Fifth War Loan Drive. June 22, 1944. M/Sgt. Wn. Kollender, Military Solence Building, University of Kansas. Dear Sergeant Kéllender: You fitted in exactly where we needed a top man, and you did a swell job. Yeur long years of service to your couttry and to your public qualify you most eminently. Thank you so much. I per= sonally appreciate it greatly. . Very sincerely yours, PCAsAH . Douglas County Fifth War Lean Drive. Capt. Archie Morris, Military Division, University of Kansas. Dear Captein Morris: I wezrt to thank you most sincerely for your splendid cooperation in last night's program at Haskell Institute. The Color Guard, under your direotion, was one of the most impressive events on the program. We are deeply cgreteful to you for your fine services. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Cormmaittee on Progrem and Exhibits, Douglas County Fifth War Lean Drive. Col. We Le MoMorris, Military Science Division, University of Kansas. Dear Colonel MeMorris: . Sek pons So ee 4 a heen. tape Bae your helpfulness and cooperation in making last night's program at Maskell Stadium a success. Captain Morris and Sergeant. Yollender were outstanding in their services. We do appreciate your fries sooperation end — . Courtesy at all times. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Committee on Program and Exhibits, . Douglas County Fifth Wer Loan Drive. dune 21, 1944. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Committee on Program and Exhibits, PCA:tAH Douglas County War Loan Drivee Cole Donald R. Hyde, Sunflower Ordnance lorks, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Colonel Hyde: The eitizens of Lawrence and Douglas County are very grateful to you for your wonderful coeperation in the War Bond Rally ani Auction at Haskell Stadium last evening. We deoply appreciate your helpful and kindly services. Thank you so mush for your full cooperation in every way. _ Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Cormittee on Program and Exhibits, Douglas County Fifth War Loan Drive. Jume 22, 1944. Major Arthur E, Innan, Sunflower Ordnance Works, Levrrence, Kansas. Dear Major Tren: sm behalf of Douglas County's Fifth War Loan Drive committee, anil the citizens of Lewrence, T want to thank you most sincerely for your helpfulness. You were very co- operative, and we do appreciate your courtesy. TI felt it was a nice program and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thank you se moh for your kindly assistence. Very sincerely yours, POA Douglas County Fifth War Loan Drive. dune 22, 1944. - ire SoH. Haysler, Sunflower Ordnance Works, Lewrence, Kensas. Dear Sid: I do want you to kmow that I appreciate the many kindly and courteous acts you performed’in response to our needs for the progren for the Fifth Wer Loan Drive. 7 Yo were efficient, cooperative and helpful in every way. WAT) you plenes noveyt wr sincere Guuleet Very sincerely yours, Chairman, Committee on Program and Exhibits FCA:AH = ee County War Loan Drive. 7 traaie BSA ‘ : og ‘ : i June 22, 1944. fi : i g ei i County subscribe their full lot in the Fatt Wer Loan Drive. You were great, as you siete are, both in your speech and in your manner. And your response, of course, in doing this. for the good of the cause makes you our number Thenks so much, Roe. I know you were tired after your arduous drive, but you never showed it a bit. We do Rotarily yours, Chairmen, Committee on Program and Exhibits POA sAH Douglas County Fifth Wer Loan Drive. Captain Elgin f. Fuller, Public Relations Officer, Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, 601 Avenue, ‘Kansas City 1, Missouri. Dear Captain Puller: Douglas County and the citizens of Lawrence, I want to thank you most sincerely for the contri- bution of the Kansas City Quartermaster Depot to the success — oo Stadium. The ecistiniaii ahah added much te the enjoyment of our people, and of course everyone was tremendously inter- ested in the display of aamy equipment. Your fine cooperation is deeply appreciated, and I persomliy want to thank you for your courtesy. Chairman, Committee on Program and Exhibits, Douglas County Fifth War Loan Drive. ARMY SERVICE FORCES KANSAS CITY QUARTERMASTER DEPOT 601 HARDESTY AVENUE KANSAS CITY 1, MISSOURI ETFsmm SPQDK 000.7 17 June 1944 -° IN REPLY HElee tO Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kanses Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens The Kansas City Quartermaster Depot has made final arrangements for both the Kansas City Quartermaster Negro Chorus to sing at your meeting, Tuesday, June 20, 1944, and for the exhibit to be shown thet evening. The Kansas City Quartermaster Chorus is composed of eleven negro singers, all employees of this depot. This group has been singing to- gether for about a year and one half, and about once a month broadcast over W.D.A.F., the Kansas City Star Station. They will sing a group of numbers, most of which will be negro spirituals such as "There's a Little Wheel Rolling in My Heart", "Just a Little Talk With Jesus", "My Lord is Going to Move This Wicked Race", "Deep River", "Shout All Over God's Heaven", "Good News", and others of this type. I do not know how long you will want them to sing but they will be prepared to sing as long as the audience desire. The exhibit will display such items as Jungle Hammocks, Mountein Tent, Cold Climate Uniform and Overcoat, Field Uniform, Mountain Uniform, selection of shoes showing the smallest and lergest shoe in the United States Army, Felt Shoes, Mountain Climbing Shoes, Jungle Shoes, Snow Shoes, etc., Duffle Bag, Retion K and C, Machetes and Intrenching Tools, Canteen end Meat Can, Rolling Pin and Potato Masher, WAC end Nurses Clothing, and ' other items of interest. Mr. Henry Rohlfing, an employee of this depot in charge of the Procurement Display Room, will be in charge of the display. I will direct the Quartermaster Chorus. Members of the Chorus ares Oscar Smith, Luther Albritton, Marion Isaac, James Fortson, James Beeks, Atkins Evans, Henry McAdems, Oscar Kelly, Willard Murrey, Eddie Moore, and L. P. Parker. We will arrive in Lawrence by motor vehicles about 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 20, 1944. Yours very truly, Public Relations Officer forAPHE) | (STAPLE) RETURN ATTACHED FiLE TO; CENTRAL FILES (Administrative Division) KCQMD Form 68 ees ~ — a Pee ee Ce ee eT a rene co see Pee erage ER AR Ce: one eR HATS Bbiths hr a BI ‘ ps oe ie ne " Z é $i en Aly aE . PSA A eee Bg Sg ARMY SERVICE FORCES KANSAS CITY QUARTERMASTER DEPOT | 601 HARDESTY AVENUE ‘KANSAS CITY 1, MISSOURI IN REPLY REFERSHOQUR OOOe7 : 17 June 1944 Dr. Forrest €. Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Sear Dre Allen: The Kensas City Quartermaster Depot has made final arrangements for ‘both the Kansas City Quartermaster Negro Chorus to sing at your meeting, Tuesday, June 20, 1944, and for the exhibit to be sham that evening « fhe Kansas City Quartermaster Chorus is composed of eleven negro singers, all employees of this depot. This group has been singing to- gether for about a year end one half, and about once @ month broadcast over W.D.A.F., the Kansas City Star Station. They will sing & group of numbers, most of which will be negro spirituals such as “There's a ttle Wheel Rolling in Wy Heart", “Just a Little Talk With Jesue", "My Lord is Going to Move This Wicked Race", “Deep River", “Shout All Over God's Heaven", “Good News", and others of this type. I do not know how long you will want them to sing but they will be prepared to sing as long as the audience desire. | The exhibit will display such items as Jungle Hammocks, Mountein Tent, Cold Climete Uniform and Overcoat, Field Uniform, Mountain Uniform, selection of shoes showing the smallest and lergest shoe in the United States Army, Felt Shoes, Mountain Climbing Shoes, Jungle Shoes, Snow Shoes, ete., Duffle Beg, Ration K and C, Machetes end Intrenching Tools, Centeen end Meet Can, Rolling Pin and Potato Masher, WAC end Nurses Clothing, and other items of interest. Mr. Henry Roh!fing, an employee of this depot in charge of the Procurement Display Room, will be in charge of the display. I will direct the Quartermaster Chorus. Members of the Chorus ares Oscar Smith, Luther Albritton, Marion Isenc, Jemes Fortson, James Becks, Atkins Evans, Henry MeAdems, Oscar Kelly, Willerd Murray, Eddie Moore, end L. P. Parker. : We will errive in Lawrence by motor vehicles sbout 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, dune 20, 1944. | Yours very truly, BIGIN T. FULLER Captain QMaC. Public Relations Officer is ths MS AT Uf lea ar ba SS Mes A RORY Ph #9 Ra OR a Eo SAA ates Ree te Ans! rite Bone RE ee a at Sak, Here ZTE Neha nt iu eee Ty Col. C. J. Frankfurter, : Commanding Officer, Dist. qPts Bebel' es 7th Service Command, 1202 Netional Bank of Topeka Building, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Colonel Frankfurter: The citizens of Lawrence and Douglas Coumty are deeply grateful to you for your Fine soeperetion in waking our War Sond Rally and Auetion at Haskell Station leat —— eee | The exhibits of Army equipment were immensely interesting to ow people, and the fine cooperation of the _ Avuy persommel added inspiration to the entire program. "ith appreciation of your courtesy ent eoopmention, Z am Very sincerely yours, PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS - COMMUNITY RALLY & AUDTION. Demonstration of rocket, bazooka, etc. Indians in regalia “Mo — High School Band ofS JES : ‘V-12's, Navy Boys, Wacs, — Pratt-Whi tney Engine mounted North American Sekensieeitnk , | Army equipment, Topeka Base - Olathe base - Navy equipment. Childers - Uncle a Haskell graduate Bill Dalton - Horse Show | Battle between Navy Boys Honor for Parents with most sons in service. Flag Service Indian Ceremonial to the Flag. Kolar Ces :