Regular meeting of .Teraev-Liberty Post #14, The American Legion, will be held Thursday evening, August 35, 1944, THIS IS THE ANNUAL ELECTION AND HERE IS THE TICKET GEORGE MARCH COMMANDER BOB LEARNED , PIX MOORE VICE COMMANDER RUSSELL SHAW it i ll BYRON BERRY FINANCE OFFICER it } ‘ REV. BEIL CHAPLIN ARCH OLIVER HISTORIAN | REV. BARR n ROBERT IEE SERGEAN? AT ARMS HENRY FERNER a | ti W. H. PASEWARK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROBERT “LEARNED . .. WALTER MeCLAIN : : The above men are the ones purposed by the two nominating committees appointed by Commander Pasewark. It's a fine bunch of fellows but as usual, it is always your privilege to have other nominations from the floor. We had a chicken dinner once and I attempted to draw a picture of a chicken. It turned out to be the largest crowd we have ever had, I will now attempt to draw the surprise for Thursday night and it's FREE. Everett Stith has promised us when you get the right amount of the above, Allen Crafton will be on hand to lead the singing. IT'S AN HONOR TO BELONG TO THE AMERICAN IEGION. WEAR YOUR BUTTON. H. E. Crcel, Adjutant