Septeuber 17, 1945. Lt. Col. Ye L. ¥ cMorris, Military Departuent, University of Kansas. Dear Colonel McMorris: Tf you will £111 this slip out for me, stating at what bank you are purchasing the bond and the amount as well as the type of bond, I will appreciate it. I would much prefer that you handle the bond buying at the bank and then I oan turn in the necessary information to the Chamber of Commerce, which is checking on the same. Will you also please mention when you are buying the bond, or if you have bought, so that I oan give this information to the Chamber of Commerce. I em enclosing two extra blanks so if there is anyone in your department who cares to subscribe we will be happy to take their application. : Thanking you for your kind cooperation, I an Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.