TREASURY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON DEFENSE SAVINGS STAFF February 8, 1944 To Lawrence War Bond Buyers! Douglas County has just one more week in which to reach its quota of two million dollars in the Fourth War Bond Drive. That means the sale of one-half million dollars of War Bonds in that week. The citizens of Lawrence have responded loyally as always, but a greater response is necessary if we are to reach our quota in the allotted time. Perhaps you have bought to your limit, or to what you thought was the limit, of your resources. But, realizing the pressing necessity for funds to carry on the great naval and military operations on land and sea, and the greater sacrifices the men in the armed forces are making, is it possible for you to squeeze out another hundred or perhaps another thousand for War Bonds. If you are a business man, perhaps you have funds in reserve for later purchases or improvements. If so, consider a temporary investment in the 7/8 % Treasury Certificates. They are the practical equivalent of cash, will yield a smail interest return and will materially aid government financing, The same may be said of the Treasury Savings Notes, Series C. If you have not bought, or have not bought your limit, go to your own bank and do it today. Let’s finish the job! Sincerely yours, an iad Special Names Committee <<