September 21, 1943. Miss Helen Humphrey, . Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Humphrey: i am giving you an individual report concerning the subscriptions for bonds in the Third War Loan Drive. This memor- andum sets out, so far as possible, the net purchase price in the first set of figures, and the second set of figures shows the face or maturity value of the bond. ea In my work I have suggested that the individuals buy their bonds at the bank of their choice. I understand that each day you get a report from each bank of the purchasers and it will be easy for you to check against this list. One of the purchasers it~ his bond at the postoffice, because he stated that went to the bank they did not have the $500 denomination in Series B bonds. < refer to Mr. Gowans, and his partner, Carl Drake, who is also purchasing a $500 bond at the postoffice. I imagine you check the postoffice for purchasers, do you not? . A few of the faculty members have not been employed during the summer and they have had a long spell without fifiancial income. I refer to Miss Meribah Moore, Miss Kathleen Doering, Dr. Robert Molair Davis and Dr. Otto Miessner. Professcr Davis is pur- chasing a $200 bond in October and a ยง400 bond monthly thereafter. Miss Deering has had illness to prevent her subscribing. She had an expensive surgical operation but she hopes at some future time to subsoribe. Dr. Miesaner depends on his royalties, and will buy soon. I find that Professor John Ise is in the same position as Professor Davis. ae Stenley Schwahn stated that the Lawrence Commonwealth purchased $5,000, and apparently he counted his subscription in there. I solicited him but he did not subscribe. I found no one had solicited Lt. Col. B. Le MoMorris, commandant of the R.0.T.C. He purchased a bond and when I took his subscription I got the rest of the officers of the Military Department. Their subscriptions are appanded. Miss Minnie Moodie, whose wmtimely death occurred Sunday, talked with me Saturday and stated that she would purchase one $75 bond but was checking with the bank and if her funds were sufficient she would purchase another. Mra. C. G. Bayles and Mrs. e