x WHICH ISSUE SHALL I BUY? x There Is A Fifth War Loan Security To Meet Every Investment Need FOR MAXIMUM SAFETY OF PRINCIPAL FOR MAXIMUM YIELD FOR CURRENT INCOME FOR DEFERRED INCOME FOR SHORT TERM FOR MEDIUM TERM FOR LONG TERM FOR MARKETABILITY FOR BANK LOAN COLLATERAL ESPECIALLY FOR PAYING TAXES FOR MY ESTATE FOR GIFTS FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FOR SELF RETIREMENT PLANS FOR INVESTMENT OF BUSINESS RESERVES AND OTHER TEMPORARY FUNDS All issues. There are no safer investments in the world. Series E Savings Bonds (2.9% *); Series F Savings Bonds (2.53 %*); Series G Savings Bonds (2.5% *), and Treasury 21/.’s of 1965-70. *If held to maturity. Series G Savings Bonds, Treasury 21/,’s of 1965-70, Treasury 2’s of 1952-54. Series E and F Savings Bonds (for tax purposes income may be deferred or accrued). 7/,% Certificates of Indebtedness (slightly over 11 months); Treasury 114,% Notes of Series B-1947 (about 23/, years) and Series C Savings Notes (6 months to 3 years). Series E, 10 years; Treasury 2’s of 1952-54 (10 years); Series F and G (12 years). Treasury 21/.’s of 1965-70 (26 years). Treasury 2’s and 21/,’s, coupon or registered form; 11/4,% Notes and 7/,% Certificates of Indebtedness, coupon form only. Treasury 11/,’s, 2’s, and 21/,’s, 7/,% Certificates of Indebtedness, and Series C Savings Notes. Series C Savings Notes (acceptable during and after second calendar month after month of purchase at par and accrued interest for Federal Income, estate or gift taxes). Series G (redeemable at par on death of owner), Treasury 21/)’s (redeemable at par for estate taxes only on death of owner). Series E (or any other issue depending on needs of the recipient). Series E. Series E, 73% Certificates of Indebtedness, Treasury 11/,% Notes and Series C Savings Notes. The last named are redeemable at par and accrued interest during and after sixth calendar month after month of purchase, except where owner is a commercial bank, in which case redemption will be made at par. (Reference is made to United States Treasury Department official circulars for detailed description of these securities) * Moebius Printing Co., Milwaukee 440M—5-44